News headlines in February 2010, page 25

  1. POLITICS: Peace Talks May Follow Ex-Taliban Mediators’ Plan

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    If peace talks do ultimately begin between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the Taliban leadership, they may well follow a 'road map' to a political settlement drawn up by a group of ex-Taliban officials who have been serving as intermediaries between the two sides.

  2. RIGHTS: Legal Experts Slam 'Targeted Killings' of US Citizens

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Civil liberties advocates and legal authorities struck back Friday at what they describe as the 'deliberate targeted killing of U.S. citizens far away from any active hostilities, as long as the executive branch determines unilaterally that they meet a secret definition of who the enemy is.'

  3. MIGRATION: Lost in the Desert? There's an App for That

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Over the past two decades, Ricardo Dominguez has made a career for himself tweaking the sensibilities of government officials and developing software tools meant to disrupt the status quo.

  4. CUBA: Women Knitting for Change

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    A neighbour started calling Andrea del Sol 'Perseverance,' and the name stuck. Since 1998, she and a small group of women from Alamar, on the outskirts of the Cuban capital, have been throwing their combined energies behind a common purpose: 'changing things.'

  5. ENVIRONMENT: Keeping Wetlands from Becoming Wastelands

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Swamps, marshes and other wetlands are beginning to be recognised as a country's 'green jewels', even in a tropical paradise like Mahé Island here in the Seychelles, with its stunning beaches and dramatic granite outcrops.

  6. MEXICO: Street Stalls, Web Visible Face of Neo-Nazism

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Street stalls in the centre of the Mexican capital openly display books and publications that are sympathetic to Adolf Hitler and Nazism, indicating that there is public demand for such items.

  7. RIGHTS: This Time Around, Thailand Targets Karen Refugees

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Thailand’s attempt to repatriate over 3,000 ethnic Karens who fled the conflict in military-ruled Burma last year has triggered strong local and international objections, including from 27 members of the United States Congress.

  8. INDIA: Angry Villagers Bear Pollution Costs of Sponge Iron Industry

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    At dawn, 65-year-old Indian share farmer Gundicha Rout goes to the stone water trough in his backyard to wash his face and prepare for paddy husking. He reaches out for the water, dipping into a thin film of oil on its surface. As he swishes the water in his mouth, there is a bitter metallic taste.

  9. KENYA: Insuring Pastoralists Against Increasing Risks

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    The droughts in the Turkana region were less severe when she was growing up, says Laura Letapalel, and pastoralists could still find some grass and water for their animals. Now, she laments, the droughts are longer and there is nothing to eat.

  10. PHILIPPINES: Street Kids Learn to Save in Times of Crisis

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Since he dropped out of elementary school, 17-year old Cenen, has been making a living for himself driving a borrowed motorised sidecar in the crowded streets of Binondo, a bustling business district in Manila, capital of the Philippines.

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