News headlines in 2013, page 11

  1. ARV Intolerance – A Growing Problem for AIDS Treatment in Africa

    - Inter Press Service

    CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Dic 09 (IPS) - New research suggests that some AIDS patients are developing drug intolerance and severe side effects and will now have to switch to new, more expensive antiretroviral regimens.

  2. Drone Killings Show Numbers, Not Bodies

    - Inter Press Service

    PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Dic 09 (IPS) - More than 300 U.S. drone attacks have killed 2,160 militants and 67 civilians in Pakistan since 2008, according to Pakistani defence ministry data. But people living in the affected areas are now questioning these figures, asking why they never get to know the names of the militants or see the bodies.

  3. Number 2

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency
  4. An African Dream Called Lampedusa

    - Inter Press Service

    TRIPOLI, Dic 08 (IPS) - Youssef crossed the Sahara desert with a folded school map of Europe in his pocket. "Could you please point Lampedusa in the map for me? I cannot find it."

  5. More U.N. States Just Saying No to Drug War

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Dic 07 (IPS) - An internal United Nations draft document leaked last weekend has offered outsiders a rare look at longstanding disagreements between member states over the course of U.N. drug policy.

  6. Orphaned by Poverty

    - Inter Press Service

    PHILADELPHIA, U.S., Dic 07 (IPS) - Seated at a table in the dimly lit café in Philadelphia's public library, Carolyn Hill looks no different from her fellow diners. A few minutes of conversation, though, are enough to reveal the extent of her distress.

  7. Staff Accuses U.N. of Violating Human Rights

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Dic 07 (IPS) - The United Nations will commemorate Human Rights Day next week amidst charges the world body is unilaterally proposing drastic changes to working conditions and salaries of staffers without due consultation - and in violation of their basic rights.

  8. Mandela, Pacifist or Rebel?

    - Inter Press Service

    MONTEVIDEO, Dic 06 (IPS) - Perhaps it's a false contradiction. But today there are many who stress the pacifist message with which South Africa's Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) emerged from prison in 1990, while few put an emphasis on his rebellion against apartheid, including armed rebellion, which landed him in prison.

  9. Free Expression Another Casualty of Sanctions

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Dic 06 (IPS) - Aliakbar Salehi is a former member of the Iranian parliament and an internet freedom and human rights advocate now living in Washington, DC. In 2006, he was arrested and jailed by the Iranian government for urging human rights reforms.

  10. When Families Fear “Human Services”

    - Inter Press Service

    PHILADELPHIA, U.S., Dic 06 (IPS) - It is nearly impossible in this day and age to turn on the news without hearing about systemic racial discrimination in the United States.

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