News headlines in March 2014, page 11

  1. Justice Breakdown Blamed for South Africa's Rising Mob Justice

    - Inter Press Service

    CAPE TOWN, Mar 11 (IPS) - Margaret Feke* got off a taxi in Khayelitsha, a township in Cape Town, South Africa, carrying a package of new clothes for her son who was due to leave for his traditional initiation into manhood in the Transkei the following day. 

  2. Italy Closes Its Eyes to Sealed Mouths

    - Inter Press Service

    ROME, Mar 11 (IPS) - "We walk inside an area that is 128 steps long and seven-and-a-half steps wide. This is the path they made for us: two metres of bars over our heads, and upon the bars, two metres of plexiglas. We are like canaries in a cage, like birds of different races all in one cage."

  3. Sea Swallows the Stories of Africans Drowned at Ceuta

    - Inter Press Service

    MALAGA, Spain, Mar 10 (IPS) - "Who will speak for them now? Who will tell their stories to their families in Cameroon or Ivory Coast?" asked Edmund Okeke, a Nigerian, about the 16 migrants who died while trying to swim to the shore of the Spanish city of Ceuta from Morocco.

  4. What's Going on in the Gulf? Unsurprisingly, It's Probably About Iran

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    WASHINGTON, Mar 10 (IPS) - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain all recalled their ambassadors from Qatar on Wednesday, citing Qatar's alleged support for organisations and individuals that threaten "the security and stability of the Gulf states" and for "hostile media."

  5. What We Can Learn from Child Soldiers

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Mar 10 (IPS) - In 2003, Moses Otiti, a 15-year-old from Uganda, was walking in a group with his father when members of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) ambushed them.

  6. Turkey Walks a Tightrope over Crimea

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Mar 10 (IPS) - The Russian-Ukrainian crisis over Crimea is forcing Turkey into a delicate balancing act: Ankara feels a need to be seen as a protector of the peninsula's Tatar minority, yet it does not want to vex Russia's paramount leader Vladimir Putin in a way that complicates Turkish-Russian economic arrangements.

  7. Stateless in Nepal

    - Inter Press Service

    KATHMANDU, Mar 10 (IPS) - Around 4.3 million of Nepal's 27 million population lack citizenship documents, rendering them stateless, says a report by the Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD), which works to promote and protect the interests of Nepali women.

  8. A Matter of Life and Death

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    GENEVA, Mar 09 (IPS) - If you or some family members or friends suffer from cancer, hepatitis, AIDS, asthma or other serious ailments, it's worth your while to follow the negotiations on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and other similar bilateral trade agreements.

  9. Women Turn Potatoes into Gold in Zimbabwe’s Cities

    - Inter Press Service

    HARARE, Mar 09 (IPS) - Shyline Chipfika, 26, is one of thousands of Zimbabwean women in urban centres who have struck gold by growing potatoes. And a lot of their success has to do with an import ban.

  10. Gazans Find Tuneful Resistance

    - Inter Press Service

    GAZA CITY, Mar 09 (IPS) - Like almost everyone else in Gaza, these six are angry about the Israeli-imposed blockade and the resulting misery. Except, that they are expressing their anger through music –without the music itself sounding angry.

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