Human Rights Issues

Author and Page information

  • by Anup Shah
  • This page last updated

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights1 came into existence shortly after the Second World War, reflecting the wishes of people at the time to try and never see such a horror again.

WissensWerte, a project of the German non-profit organization / produced this informative overview on what human rights are:

Human Rights2, WissensWerte, July 2011

This section attempts to highlight some of the gross human rights violations, racial hatred, the effects of media suppression, distortion and bias, that still occur around the world — both near and far from home.

11 articles on “Human Rights Issues” and 1 related issue:

Human Rights In Various Regions

Read “Human Rights In Various Regions” to learn more.


Democracy is a valued principle, so much so that some people have sacrificed their lives to fight for it. While no system is perfect, it seems that democracy is once again under assault. What are the challenges posed in a democratic system and are established safeguards helping to strengthen democracy or are their forces successfully weakening it?

Read “Democracy” to learn more.


Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns. This article explores racism from around the world.

Read “Racism” to learn more.

Women’s Rights

Women’s rights around the world is an important indicator to understand global well-being.

A major global women’s rights treaty was ratified by the majority of the world’s nations a few decades ago.

Yet, despite many successes in empowering women, numerous issues still exist in all areas of life, ranging from the cultural, political to the economic. For example, women often work more than men, yet are paid less; gender discrimination affects girls and women throughout their lifetime; and women and girls are often are the ones that suffer the most poverty.

Gender equality furthers the cause of child survival and development for all of society, so the importance of women’s rights and gender equality should not be underestimated.

Read “Women’s Rights” to learn more.

Rights of Indigenous People

There are approximately 370 million indigenous people spanning 70 countries, worldwide. Historically they have often been dispossessed of their lands, or in the center of conflict for access to valuable resources because of where they live, or, in yet other cases, struggling to live the way they would like. Indeed, indigenous people are often amongst the most disadvantaged people in the world.

Read “Rights of Indigenous People” to learn more.

The Internet and Human Rights

Read “The Internet and Human Rights” to learn more.

Rights of the Child

Read “Rights of the Child” to learn more.

Corporations and Human Rights

Large, transnational corporations are becoming increasingly powerful. As profits are naturally the most important goal, damaging results can arise, such as violation of human rights, lobbying for and participating in manipulated international agreements, environmental damage, child labor, driving towards cheaper and cheaper labor, and so on. Multinational corporations claim that their involvement in foreign countries is actually a constructive engagement as it can promote human rights in non-democratic nations. However, it seems that that is more of a convenient excuse to continue exploitative practices.

Read “Corporations and Human Rights” to learn more.

Surveillance State: NSA Spying and more

At the start of June 2013, a large number of documents detailing surveillance by intelligence agencies such as the US’s NSA and UK’s GCHQ started to be revealed, based on information supplied by NSA whistle blower, Edward Snowden.

These leaks revealed a massive surveillance program that included interception of email and other Internet communications and phone call tapping. Some of it appears illegal, while other revelations show the US spying on friendly nations during various international summits.

Unsurprisingly, there has been a lot of furor. While some countries are no doubt using this to win some diplomatic points, there has been an increase in tension with the US and other regions around the world.

Much of the US surveillance programs came from the aftermath of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the US in 2001. Concerns about a crackdown on civil rights in the wake of the so-called war on terror have been expressed for a long time, and these revelations seem to be confirming some of those fears.

Given the widespread collection of information, apparently from central servers of major Internet companies and from other core servers that form part of the Internet backbone, activities of millions (if not billions) of citizens have been caught up in a dragnet style surveillance problem called PRISM, even when the communication has nothing to do with terrorism.

What impacts would such secretive mass surveillance have on democracy?

Read “Surveillance State: NSA Spying and more” to learn more.

A Chronology of the Global Human Rights Struggle

Read “A Chronology of the Global Human Rights Struggle” to learn more.

Human Rights Links for more Information

Read “Human Rights Links for more Information” to learn more.

Mainstream Media

Read “Mainstream Media” to learn more.

Author and Page Information

  • by Anup Shah
  • Created:
  • Last updated:

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