MIDEAST: Israel Evicting the Indigenous

  •  jerusalem
  • Inter Press Service

'The Bedouins depend on animals. We can’t take care of them in the village or in the city. All the Bedouins work with animals. If we go to the city, they kill us. They kill the Bedouins. After a few more years, you won’t have Bedouins in the area,' says Al-Korshan, who lives in a Bedouin encampment with more than 90 other families near the West Bank town Anata, northeast of Jerusalem.

'We want to stay in our homes. If they damage our homes or our tents, we want to build again. We won’t move. Even if they want to kill us, we want to stay. We haven’t any place to go,' he told IPS.

Quietly unveiled to local aid organisations in early October, Israel’s Civil Administration, the body that governs Area C of the occupied West Bank, which is under full Israeli military and administrative control, plans to expel approximately 27,000 Bedouins from their communities in Area C within three to six years.

According to Israeli human rights group BTselem, the first phase is planned to begin as early as January 2012, and would forcibly evict approximately 2,300 people — who are currently living in about 20 communities in proximity to the Israeli settlement of Ma’ale Adumim — and transfer them to a new location near the Abu Dis garbage dump, just east of Jerusalem.

The Civil Administration will expel Bedouins from the Jordan Valley in the second phase of the plan. 'We live now on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho. The Israeli government wants to close this area because we are near the settlement of Kufr Adumim. They want to take our land for their settlements,' Al- Korshan, who heads the Jerusalem Bedouin Cooperative Committee, said.

'It’s very difficult for us. We haven’t any place to move. Our land is in Beer Sheva and we are refugees.' According to the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territories, more than 80 percent of the Bedouin families living in the hills east of Jerusalem are refugees. Most have demolition orders against their homes and aren’t connected to electricity, while about half don’t have regular access to water.

OCHA also found that the proposed relocation site for the Bedouins — near the town of Al Eizariya, where 200 Bedouin families were relocated in the 1990s to make way for the expansion of the Ma’ale Adumim settlement — would threaten the community’s health, lifestyle and overall wellbeing.

'The proposed site does not meet minimum standards in terms of distance from the municipal dumping grounds, which is likely to pose a health hazard to the communities, and provides limited access to grazing lands. Previously relocated families report negative consequences, including health concerns, loss of livelihood, deteriorated living conditions, loss of tribal cohesion and erosion of traditional lifestyles,' the organisation wrote in a statement.

Suleiman Mazarah and his family, members of the Jahalin Bedouin tribe, were forcibly transferred to this area by the Israeli authorities in 1997. Mazarah told IPS that the community continues to suffer from the move.

'(The Israelis) put us in an area near the garbage dump of the municipality of Jerusalem. They are going to move the rest of the tribe now from Area C to our area. This action will destroy the Bedouin life. When they put them in a small area, their jobs will be destroyed because there is no place to keep animals. They won’t have work,' Mazarah said.

'Most of the people here are without work, so they don’t have anything to give their children. If they move another group of people here, it will be much worse.'

© Inter Press Service (2011) — All Rights ReservedOriginal source: Inter Press Service

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