A call for business contributions to sustainable development

  •  new york
  • Inter Press Service

All organisations, regardless of size or location, engaged in innovative business models that are delivering both commercial success and helping improve social, economic and environmental conditions are eligible to apply online by 25th March 2012 by downloading the form at www.worldbusines sawards.net/nominate . The award ceremony will be held on 19th June, when governments convene in Brazil at the Rio+20 Conference, closing the Business Action for Sustainable Development Business Day.

Celebrating a decade of biennial award giving, the World Business and Development Awards are organized by the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership this year with the Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the UN Global Compact.

The Awards demonstrate how companies can, through their core business activities, help achieve the Millennium Development Goals — eight internationally agreed targets to reduce poverty and environmental degradation and improve education, health conditions and gender equality by 2015.

'Past award winners have shown how companies can help boost sustainable growth and development,' said UNDP Administrator Helen Clark. 'They can be a tremendous source of innovative and sustainable solutions which help transform people’s lives for the better.'

'As progress towards the Millennium Development Goals comes under threat in the current economic climate, the Awards will highlight the critical role of the private sector in stimulating sustainable economic growth and development,' said ICC Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier.

© Inter Press Service (2012) — All Rights ReservedOriginal source: Inter Press Service

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