News headlines

  1. Africa’s Strong Case for Reforms of UN Security Council Led by Sierra Leone Presidency

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 09 (IPS) - At most international forums, including the annual UN General Assembly high-level debate, Sierra Leonean President Julius Maada Bio consistently highlights the injustices of the global system, particularly Africa's absence in the permanent category and underrepresentation in the non-permanent category of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

  2. UN investigators warn of widespread abuses in Myanmar conflict

    - UN News

    Warfare in Myanmar has escalated into systematic atrocities, including attacks targeting civilians, torture and sexual violence, the UN independent rights probe into the country said on Monday.

  3. Gaza war continues to shut hundreds of thousands out of class

    - UN News

    Monday would have marked the start of the new school year in Gaza, but the ongoing war continues to deprive hundreds of thousands of children of this fundamental right, UN agencies have warned.

  4. Outgoing General Assembly president ‘bullish on the UN’, despite mounting crises

    - UN News

    A milestone declaration to accelerate investment in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as three resolutions on the Gaza conflict were among the achievements of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, outgoing president Dennis Francis said on Monday in New York.

  5. ‘Incalculable cost’ of conflict on the lives of children

    - UN News

    Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of attacks on students, teachers and schools, resulting in an “incalculable cost” for children affected by conflict around the world, Secretary-General António Guterres said in a message commemorating the International Day to Protect Education from Attack on Monday.

  6. UN peacekeepers saving lives but need stronger political support and resources, top official urges

    - UN News

    As conflicts grow more complex and armed groups increasingly weaponize low-cost technologies like improvised explosive devices and drones, UN peacekeeping missions need greater political support and resources to carry out their duties safely, a senior UN official said on Monday.

  7. New use of cluster bombs threatens global ban, report warns

    - UN News

    Cluster bomblets continue to kill thousands of civilians, mostly children, and the new use of this predominantly outlawed class of weapons is threatening efforts to universally ban them, according to a new report published on Monday.

  8. Reconnect with our common humanity and reject ‘treacherous new normal’

    - UN News

    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights delivered his annual global update on Monday, urging the international community to reject a “new normal” that upholds entrenched power structures at the expense of our common humanity.

  9. The world must ‘wake up and help Sudan out of the nightmare of conflict’ says WHO’s Tedros

    - UN News

    Sudan’s health system is “near collapse” after 16 months of war have left the country and its people facing what the UN’s top health official described on Sunday as the “perfect storm of crises”, which the world is largely ignoring.

  10. Investing in clean air can saves lives and combat climate change

    - UN News

    The UN Secretary-General is marking ‘Clean Air Day’ with a call for global investment in solutions that tackle climate change and the increasing public health, environmental, and economic harm caused by air pollution.

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