News headlines

  1. Children in Gaza Threatened by Polio and School Closures

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 10 (IPS) - It has been nearly one year since the commencement of Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip and living conditions for millions of children continue to grow more dire. The rampant spread of disease among children as well as the stagnant state of Gaza's schooling system have been greatly aggravated by continued hostilities.

  2. How Much Damage Can Be Done by a Few? The Tragedy in Gaza, Part 2

    - Inter Press Service

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Sep 10 (IPS) - Hungarian-Swedish microbiologist George Klein, who in 1944 escaped from a train destined to Auschwitz, once wrote that his father jokingly used to say that he had caused World War I. While working as a medical doctor in Bosnia he had cured a young boy called Gavrilo Princip from a deadly disease. As an adult Gavrilo shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, presumptive heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, whose death became the immediate cause of World War I.

  3. 60 Years After Lyndon Johnson’s “Daisy Ad,” the Silence on Nuclear War Is Dangerous

    - Inter Press Service

    SAN FRANCISCO, USA, Sep 10 (IPS) - One evening in early September 1964, a frightening commercial jolted 50 million Americans who were partway through watching "Monday Night at the Movies" on NBC. The ad began with an adorable three-year-old girl counting petals as she pulled them from a daisy. Then came a man's somber voiceover, counting down from ten to zero. Then an ominous roar and a mushroom cloud from a nuclear bomb explosion.

  4. Small Glacial Lakes’ Mass Destruction in the Himalayan Community

    - Inter Press Service

    KATHMANDU, Sep 10 (IPS) - Small glacial lakes can cause destruction, which may impact the livelihoods of entire communities. Now this is the harsh reality that the community of Thame village in the Mt. Everest region of Nepal now faces as they rebuild after the August 16 disaster.

  5. Call for ‘solutions across the board’ as 79th General Assembly opens

    - UN News

    The 79th session of the UN General Assembly opened on Tuesday afternoon in New York, with incoming President Philemon Yang outlining a vision of unity in diversity and calling for deeper international cooperation to tackle a host of global challenges, including climate change, escalating conflict, and a slowdown in sustainable development.

  6. WFP continues to support millions amid ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine

    - UN News

    Nearly 50 million people in the Middle East, Northern Africa and Eastern Europe are not getting enough to eat, or double the number from before the Arab Spring over a decade ago, a senior official with the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Tuesday in New York.

  7. General Assembly wraps up with calls for unity and resolve

    - UN News

    The 78th session of the UN General Assembly closed on Tuesday, concluding a tumultuous year in international diplomacy and underscoring the need for a collective resolve among nations to confront pressing challenges.

  8. Escalating violence in Syria raises fear of ‘large-scale war’

    - UN News

    Increased violence along the frontlines in Syria, with continued war crimes on all sides, is leaving civilians in the region fearful of a “large-scale war”, a new report from the UN Syria Commission of Inquiry released on Tuesday warns.

  9. Security Council: UN calls for safe, unimpeded passage of aid to Ukraine

    - UN News

    The Security Council in New York on Tuesday debated the latest barrage of Russian missile and drone attacks that have targeted multiple cities across Ukraine in recent days. The acting UN Emergency Relief Coordinator told ambassadors that the human suffering during Russia's on-going invasion "continues at intolerable levels". UN News app users can follow our coverage here.

  10. UN envoy condemns deadly strike on Gaza camp in humanitarian zone

    - UN News

    The UN Middle East envoy has strongly condemned deadly airstrikes by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on Tuesday on a densely populated area in an Israeli-designated humanitarian zone in Gaza.

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