News headlines in January 2010, page 17
CLIMATE CHANGE: Wanted - Methane-Free Livestock
- Inter Press Service
At first glance, the Riswick farm is just another modern agricultural facility: in the middle of broad cultivated fields stand recently built barns, similar to so many other farms across Europe.
MALAYSIA: Sarawak Dams: Boon or Bane to Development?
- Inter Press Service
'I don’t know what's going to happen to our people … what our future will be?'
MALI: Small Farmers in the Carbon Market
- Inter Press Service
Mohamed Abd Khibé is a caretaker at the acacia nursery in Dialoubé village, part of a project to sequester carbon in trees while simultaneously improving farmers' livelihoods.
RIGHTS: Italy Shows its Ugly Side
- Inter Press Service
If the first step towards solving a problem is recognising you have one, the Italian authorities look to be some way from tackling the growing racism and xenophobia affecting sections of its society.
CULTURE: 'Understanding Diversity Can Help Avoid Clashes'
- Inter Press Service
The International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2010) has not had an auspicious start.
HAITI-DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Sisters in Catastrophe
- Inter Press Service
The Dominican Republic, which has historically regarded its Haitian neighbour with suspicion, has turned toward Haiti with a tremendous outpouring of aid and love since a devastating earthquake rocked Port-au-Prince on Tuesday.
BRAZIL: 'Colonisation Made Us Poor,' Say Indigenous Peoples
- Inter Press Service
'We weren't poor until colonisation made us poor,' indigenous leader Marcos Terena said at the Rio de Janeiro launch of a United Nations report on the State of the World's Indigenous Peoples.
MEXICO: Journalists' Options - Silence, Exile or the Grave
- Inter Press Service
Journalists are the target of such violence in Mexico that many have been forced to seek refuge in the United States, or to give up their profession. And the outlook at the start of this year is even grimmer for media workers in this country.
WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: New and Old, US Groups Forge Broad Alliances
- Inter Press Service
With civil society gearing up for the 2010 World Social Forum, and later this summer, the 2010 U.S. Social Forum in Detroit, Michigan, activists here say new alliances created at the first USSF in 2007 are going strong.
ZIMBABWE: Training Teachers to Cope with HIV-positive Students
- Inter Press Service
Eleven-year-old Memory’s grandmother wanted her to drop out of school because she is not going to live long enough to complete her studies.