In Search of an African Revolution

  • Analysis by Azad Essa* - IPS/AJ (durban, south africa)
  • Inter Press Service

Demonstrations are continuing across the Middle East, interrupted only by the call for prayer when protesters fall to their knees on cheap carpets and straw mats and the riot police take a tea break. Meanwhile, in 'darkest Africa', far away from the cameras of international mainstream media, reports have surfaced of political unrest in a host of sub- Saharan nations.

As international audiences watched 18 days of nonviolent protests topple longstanding president Hosni Mubarak this month, Egypt suddenly became a sexy topic. But, despite the fact that the rich banks of the Nile are sourced from Central Africa, the world looked upon the Egyptian uprising solely as a Middle Eastern issue.

Few seemed to care that Egypt was also part of Africa, a continent with a billion people, most of whom are living under despotic regimes and suffering economic strife and political suppression just like their Egyptian neighbours.

'Egypt is in Africa. We should not fool about with the attempts of the North to segregate the countries of North Africa from the rest of the continent,' says Firoze Manji, the editor of Pambazuka Online, an advocacy website for social justice in Africa.

'Their histories have been intertwined for millennia,' he explains. 'Some Egyptians may not feel they are Africans, but that is neither here nor there. They are part of the heritage of the continent.'

And, just like much of the rest of the world, Africans watched events unfold in Cairo with great interest. 'There is little doubt that people [in Africa] are watching with enthusiasm what is going on in the Middle East, and drawing inspiration from that for their own struggles,' says Manji.

He argues that globalisation and the accompanying economic liberalisation has created circumstances in which the people of the global South share very similar experiences.

These include '[i]ncreasing pauperisation, growing unemployment, declining power to hold their governments to account, declining income from agricultural production, increasing accumulation by dispossession — something that is growing on a vast scale — and increasing willingness of governments to comply with the political and economic wishes of the North,' Manji explains.

Rallying cry

'The events in Tunisia and Egypt have become, within Africa, a rallying cry for any number of opposition leaders, everyday people harbouring grievances and political opportunists looking to liken their country's regimes to those of [Tunisia's deposed Zine El Abidine] Ben Ali or Hosni Mubarak,' says Drew Hinshaw, an American journalist based in West Africa.

'In some cases that comparison is outrageous, but in all too many it is more than fair,' he explains. 'Look at Gabon, a tragically under-developed oil exporter whose GDP per capita is more than twice that of Egypt's but whose people are living on wages that make Egypt look like the land of full employment.'

'The Bongo family has run that country for four decades, since before Mubarak ran nothing larger than an air force base, and yet they're still there,' Hinshaw says. 'You can understand why the country's opposition is calling for new rounds of Egypt-like protests after seeing what Egypt and Tunisia were able to achieve.'

But with little geo-political importance, news organisations seem largely oblivious to the drama unfolding in the West African nation.

Elsewhere on the continent, protests have broken out in Khartoum, Sudan where students held Egypt-inspired demonstrations against proposed cuts to subsidies on petroleum products and sugar. Following those demonstrations on Jan. 30, the New York-based Committee to Project Journalists reported that staff from the weekly Al-Midan were arrested for covering the event.

Ethiopian media have also reported that police there detained the well-known journalist Eskinder Nega for 'attempts to incite' Egypt-style protests.

And in Cameroon, the Social Democratic Front Party has said that the country might experience an uprising similar to those in North Africa if the government does not slash food prices.

'There are lots of Africans too who are young, unemployed, who see very few prospects for their future in countries ruled by the same old political elite that have ruled for 25 or 30 or 35 years,' says CSM Africa bureau chief Scott Baldauf.

'I think all the same issues in Egypt are also present in other countries. You have leaders who have hung onto power for decades and who think the country can only function if they are in charge,' he adds. 'A young Zimbabwean would understand the frustration of a young Egyptian.'

Divide and rule

Just as self-immolation was not new in Tunisia, whose Jasmine Revolution was sparked when poor vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself ablaze, discontentment and rising restlessness is not alien to Africans. Acts of dissent and their subsequent suppression are the bread and butter of some oppressive African states

In the past three years, there have been violent service delivery protests in South Africa and food riots in Cameroon, Madagascar, Mozambique and Senegal.

But whether the simmering discontent in Africa will result in protests on the scale of those in Egypt remains to be seen.

'All the same dry wood of bad governance is stacked in many African countries, waiting for a match to set it alight,' says Baldauf. 'But it takes leadership. It takes civil society organisation,' something Baldauf fears countries south of the Sahara do not have at the same levels as their North African neighbours.

Emmanuel Kisiangani, a senior researcher at the African Conflict Prevention Programme at the Institute of Security Studies in South Africa, believes the difference in the success levels of protests in North and sub-Saharan Africa can be attributed in part to the ethnic make-up of the respective regions.

'In most of the countries that have had fairly 'successful riots' the societies are fairly homogeneous compared to sub- Saharan Africa where there are a multiplicity of ethnic groups that are themselves very polarised,' he explains.

'In sub-Saharan Africa, where governments have been able to divide people along ethnic-political lines, it becomes easier to hijack an uprising because of ethnic differences, unlike in North Africa,' Kisiangani says.

An important year

This is an important year for Africa. Elections are scheduled in more than 20 countries across the continent, including Zimbabwe and Nigeria.

But as food prices continue to rise and economic hardship tightens its grip on the region, it is plausible to imagine Africans revolting and using means other than the often meaningless ballot box to remove their leaders.

'What people want is the democratisation of society, of production, of the economy, and indeed all aspects of life,' says Manji. 'What they are being offered instead is the ballot box.'

But, Manji argues, 'Elections don't address the fundamental problems that people face. Elections on their own do nothing to enable ordinary people to be able to determine their own destiny.'

This, according to Kisiangani, is because 'the process of democratisation in many African countries seems more illusory than fundamental.'

'The protests have created the 'hope' that ordinary people can define their political destiny,' he says. 'The uprisings…are making people on the continent become conscious about their abilities to define their political destinies.'

*Published under an agreement with Al-Jazeera.

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