News headlines in September 2011, page 17
SUDAN: New Conflict Displaces Thousands
- Inter Press Service
The Sudanese government says that a majority of the tens of thousands of people displaced by the fighting in the country’s Blue Nile state have started returning to the area. This is despite reports by local and international aid agencies that say people are still fleeing the region.
INDIA: ‘Missing Girls is About Femicide’
- Inter Press Service
India has been ranked the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women, but the widespread practice of selectively aborting female foetuses may make it the most hostile to the female gender.
MIDEAST: Palestinians Prepare for Settler Attacks Over UN Vote
- Inter Press Service
Amidst reports that the Israeli military is arming and training Israeli settlers in advance of the Palestinian Authority’s bid to recognise a Palestinian state at the United Nations later this week, Palestinian activists in the West Bank have organised emergency response teams to document settler attacks and prevent more from taking place.
NORTH KOREA: Women Wear Pants, Revive Markets
- Inter Press Service
North Korea’s communist government frowns upon women wearing pants, seeing it as a mark of ‘rotten bourgeois lifestyles.’ Yet, wives, literally wearing pants, are selling goods in the local markets to supplement their husbands’ meagre pay packets.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Women Challenge Monopoly on 'Men's Jobs'
- Inter Press Service
From a small office inside a public school on the eastern side of the Rio Ozama in the capital Santo Domingo, a programme operated by a local NGO, Ce-Mujer, has been leading a quiet revolution to empower women in the workplace for the last 13 years.
MIDEAST: Europe Divided Over Palestinian State
- Inter Press Service
Divisions that have surfaced within the European Union over recognition of the Palestinian Authority as an independent and sovereign state are unlikely to be resolved ahead of a crucial vote in the United Nations next week.
World Bank, IMF Face Shifting Development Paradigm
- Inter Press Service
Amid a global financial crisis that has shown little signs of reversing, next week's fall meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank are crucial in setting the tone for rebounding world markets, to which leaders of the Bretton Woods institutions offered optimistic, yet ultimately vague, solutions in speeches this week.
SUDAN: New Conflict Displaces Thousands
- Inter Press Service
The Sudanese government says that a majority of the tens of thousands of people displaced by the fighting in the country’s Blue Nile state have started returning to the area. This is despite reports by local and international aid agencies that say people are still fleeing the region.
SOUTH AMERICA: Uneven Progress in Child Health
- Inter Press Service
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay have all made progress in the area of child health. But some are celebrating significant achievements while others are plodding slowly towards the goals adopted by the U.N. member countries in 2000.
U.S.: Changing Key Law Could Mean 'License to Bribe'
- Inter Press Service
Changes to a key anti-bribery law that applies to international commerce, proposed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, could have disastrous consequences, hurting multinational firms, human rights, and the U.S.'s place of respect as an early adopter of the legislation, opponents to the changes argued here Friday.