News headlines in 2013, page 10

  1. Some Spanish Police Protect Immigrants

    - Inter Press Service

    MALAGA, Spain, Dic 10 (IPS) - They are members of Spain's Guardia Civil. But instead of pursuing undocumented immigrants like the rest of the police in Spain, they are there to defend them from the crimes to which they often fall victim.

  2. Battling Extractive Industries in Romania

    - Inter Press Service

    BUCHAREST, Dic 10 (IPS) - Authorities in Romania have been attempting to bulldoze through public opposition to push through controversial extractive projects such as gold mining at Rosia Montana and shale gas drilling at Pungesti.

  3. "We in the Caribbean Are Living Climate Change"

    - Inter Press Service

    MOCHO, Jamaica, Dic 10 (IPS) - The Mocho Mountains that run through the centre of Jamaica were once covered by lush tropical forests that helped control rainfall. Now, much of the forests and farmlands have been destroyed and the community is hard hit by the resultant extreme weather.

  4. Africa Prepares for Central African Republic Deployment

    - Inter Press Service

    ADDIS ABABA, Dic 10 (IPS) - The African Union is preparing to deploy thousands of troops in the Central African Republic as a deadly conflict there spirals further out of control.

  5. Ukraine Crackdown Turns Sinister

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    KIEV, Dic 10 (IPS) - As anti-government protests in the Ukraine move into their third week, there are growing concerns among individuals and civil society organisations in the country over the regime's approach to protestors.

  6. Indian Boys Get Lessons in Respect

    - Inter Press Service

    MUMBAI, Dic 10 (IPS) - In a shanty tucked inside Dharavi, described as Asia's largest slum settlement, a little piece of theatre unfolds. Several young boys are heckled as they pretend to go vegetable shopping - and calling them names are young girls. The boys are embarrassed.

  7. U.S. “Bullying” TPP Negotiators Amid Failure to Agree

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    WASHINGTON, Dic 10 (IPS) - Internal government documents leaked Monday offer a sombre picture of ongoing negotiations towards a major free-trade area covering much of the Pacific Rim. The area is a key objective for the administration of President Barack Obama but has been harshly criticised by a broad spectrum of global civil society.

  8. U.S. Still Playing Catch-up in Asia

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    WASHINGTON, Dic 10 (IPS) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden wrapped up his finger-wagging tour of Asia on Friday, with a busy week of lecturing the Chinese, trying to get the South Koreans and Japanese to play nice with one another, and damning North Korea with faint praise for releasing an 85-year-old American after more than a month of detention.

  9. Lynch Mobs Hide Behind 'Community Justice' in Bolivia

    - Inter Press Service

    LA PAZ, Dic 09 (IPS) - Images of tortured bodies and barely recognisable faces, victims of lynch mobs made up of furious local residents, periodically shock Bolivian society.

  10. Africa Urged to Use Multilateral Approach to Achieve Sustainable Development

    - Inter Press Service

    WARSAW, Dic 09 (IPS) - Africa can achieve sustainable development by scaling up "green economy" initiatives. What is needed is increased allocations from within national budgets supplemented by donor funding, claim experts.

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