News headlines in 2013, page 13

  1. Bringing Cameroon’s Marginalised to the Poverty Debate

    - Inter Press Service

    YAOUNDÉ, Dic 05 (IPS) - Lydia Njang, a widow and mother of five from Cameroon's North West Region, has lost her farmland three times. 

  2. Gaza Returns to Donkey Days

    - Inter Press Service

    GAZA CITY, Dic 05 (IPS) - The garbage trucks of Gaza city are at a standstill due to an ongoing fuel shortage affecting all aspects of daily life, including garbage collection, sewage and waste disposal and other vital services. But the local donkeys are here to help.

  3. Iran Deal Look Safe from Lawmakers’ Attack for Now

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Dic 05 (IPS) - Ten days after the signing in Geneva of a groundbreaking deal on Iran's nuclear programme, the agreement appears safe from any serious attack by the strongly pro-Israel U.S. Congress, at least for the balance of 2013.

  4. Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan: Cold Leaders, Warm Ties

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Dic 04 (IPS) - Two of the most despotic leaders in the world sit atop the governments of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, according to rights groups. But in sharp contrast to the way they regard their respective peoples, Turkmenistan's Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov and Uzbekistan's Islam Karimov seem to treat each other with courtesy and respect when they get together.

  5. Where Is the Global Economy Heading?

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    WASHINGTON, Dic 04 (IPS) - In a passage in Charles Darwin's The Voyage of the Beagle, he condemns an egalitarian native people at the tip of South America to remain primitive.

  6. Food Security, Trade Facilitation Clash in Bali

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    BALI, Dic 04 (IPS) - The World Trade Organisation's ninth ministerial meeting at Bali, Indonesia has morphed into a fierce battle between the countries seeking social safety nets for hundreds of millions of poor people and those insisting on having advanced import-facilitation programmes in the developing countries on par with the industrialised nations.

  7. The Asia-Africa Link Is IT

    - Inter Press Service

    BANGKOK, Dic 04 (IPS) - Only 16 percent of Africa's population of over a billion is online. But as Internet and mobile phone connectivity grows rapidly, the continent wants to join forces with Asian powerhouses to change its digital landscape.

  8. Accra’s High Rents Means Ghanaians Lose

    - Inter Press Service

    ACCRA, Dic 04 (IPS) - Across Accra, Ghana's capital city, adverts for letting property can be found all over. But for as many placards there are, you will get just as many verbal warnings from locals cautioning people to beware of swindling agents.

  9. Public, Elite See U.S. Power in Decline

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    WASHINGTON, Dic 04 (IPS) - For the first time since the end of the Vietnam War, both the U.S. public and the foreign policy elite see Washington as playing a less important and powerful role in the world than it did a decade before, according to the latest quadrennial survey released here Tuesday by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Pew Research Centre.

  10. WTO Urged Not to Treat Water Like Widgets

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Dic 04 (IPS) - As government representatives gather Tuesday in Indonesia for what could be final negotiations towards a global trade agreement under the World Trade Organisation (WTO), environmentalists and social justice campaigners are urging them to specify that water resources cannot be treated as commodities.

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