News headlines in March 2014, page 10

  1. Heavy Rainfall Washing Out Honey Production

    - Inter Press Service

    DUMBARTON, St. Vincent, Mar 12 (IPS) - Allan Williams, 32, is an agriculture extension officer in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. But as a trained apiculturist, he has also been involved in beekeeping as a hobby for the past seven years.

  2. South Africa Battles Drug-Resistant TB

    - Inter Press Service

    CAPE TOWN, Mar 12 (IPS) - Despite an increase in diagnosis times, South Africa is facing a growing drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) burden as nationally there remains a large gap between the number of patients diagnosed with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and those who start treatment.

  3. Koreans Embrace Some Old Ways

    - Inter Press Service

    SEOUL, Mar 12 (IPS) - Old family bonds still seem to run deep in the South Korea of today. For evidence, one need only look at the yearning of the elderly to meet their long separated kin in North Korea during last month's historic family reunions.

  4. Q&A: Women Hold the Key to Peace in DRC

    - Inter Press Service

    ADDIS ABABA, Mar 12 (IPS) - Ireland's former President Mary Robinson has been working hard to include women from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Great Lakes Region in the regional peacebuilding process. Because without their involvement, she says, peace and security in the region will be unrealistic.

  5. Brazilian Innovation for Under-financed Mozambican Agriculture

    - Inter Press Service

    MAPUTO, Mar 12 (IPS) - Some of the technological excellence that revolutionised Brazil's tropical agriculture is reaching small producers in Mozambique. But it is not enough to compensate for the underfinancing of the sector.

  6. Senate Committee, CIA in Brawl over Torture Inquiry

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Mar 12 (IPS) - An ongoing battle between the Democratic chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over reports about the agency's "enhanced interrogation" practices during the George W. Bush administration has escalated sharply.

  7. U.S. Oil Firm Creates Tension over Western Sahara

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Mar 11 (IPS) - Even as U.S. and Moroccan executives meet to discuss strengthening private sector ties between the two countries, advocacy groups are raising concerns about plans by a U.S. energy firm to explore for oil in the contested territory known as Western Sahara. 

  8. Bachelet to Recalibrate Chile’s Foreign Policy

    - Inter Press Service

    SANTIAGO, Mar 11 (IPS) - For the past four years, the foreign policy of Chile, South America's "miracle", has focused more on economic  than political issues.

  9. Russian Arms to Egypt Threaten to Undermine U.S. in Mideast

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Mar 11 (IPS) - Russia, which is at loggerheads with Washington over the spreading political crisis in Ukraine, is threatening to undermine a longstanding military relationship between the United States and one of its traditional allies in the Middle East: Egypt.

  10. The Rich Complain That we do not Love Them

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    ROME, Mar 11 (IPS) - F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said "The rich are different from you or me", yet in his days, in the early years of the 20th century, the rich were not subject to public scrutiny, and were generally an object of envy, not resentment.

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