News headlines in May 2014, page 12
The 4th Century Art that Died Out Across the World and the Ethiopian Scribes Trying to Preserve it
- Inter Press Service
DEBRE LIBANOS, Ethiopia, May 08 (IPS) - Misganew Andeurgay changes his bamboo-made pen for another, dips it in a tiny pot of viscous liquid and, on a parchment page filled with black script, begins to trace in scarlet-red ink the Amharic word for god.
Major Report Urges Reform of U.S. Capital Punishment System
- Inter Press Service
WASHINGTON, May 07 (IPS) - Innocent people will be executed in the United States if the country's capital punishment system is not reformed, warns a new report.
New Gestures to Opposition Unlikely to Change U.S. Syria Policy
- Inter Press Service
WASHINGTON, May 07 (IPS) - Despite new gestures of support for the Syrian opposition, the administration of President Barack Obama is unlikely to change its longstanding policy of restraining U.S. involvement in the country's more than three-year-old civil war, according to experts here.
Gaps Remain in U.N. WMD Resolution
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, May 07 (IPS) - The United Nations claims that a key Security Council resolution adopted unanimously back in 2004 has been instrumental in keeping weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) from the hands of terrorists and insurgent groups worldwide.
U.N. Treaty on Corporate Rights Abuse Sees New Momentum
- Inter Press Service
WASHINGTON, May 07 (IPS) - Some 500 global groups are calling for action by governments next month to jumpstart the process of drafting an international treaty to address rights abuses by multinational corporations, following on a related proposal by Ecuador and others.
CO2 Producing Hollow Food
- Inter Press Service
UXBRIDGE, Canada, May 07 (IPS) - Rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels will make many key food crops like rice and corn less nutritious, a new study shows.
Divisions over Gender Complicate Development Agenda
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, May 07 (IPS) - As the U.N. focuses on refining its Post-2015 Development Agenda, divisions surrounding issues of population and development continue to plague consensus on a universal way forward.
HIV/AIDS Highlights Gender Inequalities in Cuba
- Inter Press Service
HAVANA, May 07 (IPS) - All illusions of love, trust and dedication to a relationship flew out the window for Mayda Torres in 1992, when she found out she was HIV-positive while undergoing routine exams to start a new job.
ARVs a Bitter Pill to Swallow for Ugandan Children
- Inter Press Service
KAMPALA, May 07 (IPS) - Every morning at six a.m. before he goes to school, and every night at six p.m. after he gets home from school, Emmanuel, 11, knows what he must do: take his antiretroviral pills.
Vaccinating Against Their Will
- Inter Press Service
YAOUNDÉ, May 07 (IPS) - The growing number of child deaths from diarrhoea in Cameroon has necessitated the introduction of a new vaccine (RotaTeq) designed to protect babies under five against common types of rotaviruses that cause diarrhoea. But growing skepticism over new vaccines, and lack of potable water and proper hygiene could thwart such public health efforts, experts say.