News headlines in November 2014, page 9

  1. Q&A: Emerging Powers Have a Key Role in Peace and Security

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Nov 10 (IPS) - Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser currently heads the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. Between 2011-2012 he was president of the General Assembly, setting the agenda for debate in the assembly during the Arab Spring.

  2. Massachussetts Schools Welcome New Students Who Fled Danger

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    , Nov 08 (IPS) - Pedro sought a safer life. He traveled to Somerville from Chalantenango, El Salvador on foot, by bus, car, and in the back of a tractor-trailer truck.

  3. Why Our Food Systems Need to Be More Nutrition-Smart

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Nov 08 (IPS) - "We are especially distressed by the high prevalence and increasing numbers of malnourished children under five years of age in parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. Moreover, more than 2000 million people, mostly women and children, are deficient in one or more micronutrients..."

  4. OPINION: Bringing More International Pressure to Bear on Wildlife Crime

    - Inter Press Service

    QUITO, Ecuador, Nov 08 (IPS) - A surge in wildlife crime is fuelling criminal syndicates, perpetuating terrorism, and resulting in the loss of major revenues from tourism and industries dependent on iconic species while also endangering the livelihoods of the rural poor.

    But this surge in wildlife crime is not only threatening iconic species, which include elephants, rhinos and tigers, but also lesser-known animals that are also on the brink of extinction.

  5. Disciples of John the Baptist also flee ISIS

    - Inter Press Service

    KIRKUK, Iraq, Nov 08 (IPS) - "Going  back home? That would be suicide. The Islamists would cut our throats straight away," says Khalil Hafif Ismam. The fear of this Mandaean refugee sums up that of one of the oldest yet most decimated communities in Mesopotamia.

  6. More Economic Equality Brings Greater Political Polarisation in Brazil

    - Inter Press Service

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 08 (IPS) - "If I had to choose today I would stay back home, I wouldn't come to look for work here," said Josefa Gomes, who 30 years ago moved from Serra Redonda, a small town in Brazil's semiarid northeast, to the city of Rio de Janeiro, 2,400 km away.

  7. Responding to Climate Change from the Grassroots Up

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    GUNTHORPES, Antigua, Nov 07 (IPS) - As concern mounts over food security, two community groups are on a drive to mobilise average people across Antigua and Barbuda to mitigate and adapt in the wake of global climate change, which is affecting local weather patterns and by extension, agricultural production.

  8. The Young, Female Face of HIV in East and Southern Africa

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, Nov 07 (IPS) - Experts are raising alarm that years of HIV interventions throughout Africa have failed to stop infection among young women 15 to 24 years old.

  9. Extractives Companies “Not Ready” for Transparency Requirements

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Nov 06 (IPS) - The world's largest corporations continue to publicise scant information about their global operations, according to new analysis that warns that extractives companies in particular are unprepared for pending disclosure requirements.

  10. Women Challenged by Rising Extremism and Militarism

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Nov 06 (IPS) - Ongoing military conflicts in the strife-torn Middle East - specifically in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Palestine - have resulted in widespread civilian casualties, impacting heavily on the most vulnerable in besieged communities: women and children.

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