News headlines in April 2016, page 2

  1. Why we need to stand united against governments cracking down on dissent

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    JOHANNESBURG, Apr 28 (IPS) - Last month, after receiving threats for opposing a hydroelectric project, Berta Caceres, a Honduran indigenous and environmental rights campaigner, was murdered. A former winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize for her opposition to one of Central America's biggest hydropower projects, Berta was shot dead in her own home.

  2. Opinion: Increasing Productivity Key to Revive Growth and Support Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    BANGKOK, Thailand, Apr 28 (IPS) - The Asia-Pacific region's successful achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development needs to be driven by broad-based productivity gains and rebalancing of economies towards domestic and regional demand. This is the main message of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2016, published today by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Such a strategy will not only underpin the revival of robust and resilient economic growth, but also improve the quality of growth by making it more inclusive and sustainable.

  3. Playing Ping Pong with Disability

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    RAMALLAH, Occupied West Bank, Apr 28 (IPS) - Despite formally adopting progressive laws, such as Law Number 4, and ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability, Palestinian authorities still struggle to get beyond rhetoric when it comes to supporting the 7 to 11 per cent of the population that is affected by disability.

  4. Times of Violence and Resistance for Latin American Journalists

    - Inter Press Service

    MEXICO CITY, Apr 27 (IPS) - Mexico is the most dangerous country in Latin America for journalists. In 2015 it accounted for one-third of all murders of reporters in the region, and four more journalists have been added to the list so far this year.

  5. Why the world needs a UN leader who stands up for human rights

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    UNITED NATIONS, Apr 27 (IPS) - Last August, Balla Hadji, a 61-year-old truck driver in Bangui in the Central African Republic, was having breakfast with his wife when they heard shots outside. He ran out to call his daughter inside, but troops were already there, and shot him in the back as he ran away. His 16-year-old son, Souleimane, was also shot when he ran towards his father. Balla died on the spot, his son Souleimane the next day.

  6. The Hypocrisy of the West and Fiscal Paradise

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    ROME, Apr 27 (IPS) - The publication of the Panama Papers has now been digested, like any scandal, after just a few days. We are now getting so accustomed to scandals, that it is confusing, and the general public reaction often is: all are corrupt and politics is all about corruption.

  7. Choose Humanity: Make the Impossible Choice Possible!

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    UN, New York, Apr 27 (IPS) - We have arrived at the point of no return. At this very moment the world is witnessing the highest level of humanitarian needs since World War Two. We are experiencing a human catastrophe on a titanic scale: 125 million in dire need of assistance, over 60 million people forcibly displaced, and 218 million people affected by disasters each year for the past two decades.

  8. Musicians Champion LGBT Rights

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 27 (IPS) - In a recently released music video by a Kenyan artist, a young gay and lesbian couple holds hands on separate dates at a park in Nairobi. The progress of their love from kisses to more graphic bedroom scenes are threaded with past images of anti-gay headlines and protests mainly from Uganda and Kenya.

  9. Abortion Saga: Morality vs Choice

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    BLANTYRE, Malawi, Apr 27 (IPS) - Malawi considers itself ‘a god fearing nation' so much that any act ‘out of the ordinary' is said to be either satanic, a sin or demonic. Even a drink or a walk could be satanic in the country if you are not careful!

  10. Organised Civil Society Increasingly Hemmed In by Global Elites, Say Activists

    - Inter Press Service

    BOGOTA, Apr 27 (IPS) - Collusion, according to the dictionary, means "secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others." That is what the world's political and economic elites engage in, according to Danny Sriskandarajah, secretary general of the international civil society alliance CIVICUS.

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