News headlines in June 2016, page 3
Brexit and Ueexit
- Inter Press Service
ROME, Jun 25 (IPS) - The Europeans went to bed Thursday night, with exit polls giving a comfortable margin of victory for those who wanted to Remain. The following morning they awakened to find that the real result was the opposite.
Can Better Technology Lure Asia's Youth Back to Farming?
- Inter Press Service
MANILA, Jun 25 (IPS) - Farming and agriculture may not seem cool to young people, but if they can learn the thrill of nurturing plants to produce food, and are provided with their favorite apps and communications software on agriculture, food insecurity will not be an issue, food and agriculture experts said during the Asian Development Bank (ADB)'s Food Security Forum from June 22 to 24 at the ADB headquarters here.
Least Developed Countries' Vulnerabilities Make Graduation Difficult
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 25 (IPS) - Last month, over two thousand high-level participants from across the world met in Antalya, Turkey for the Midterm Review of the Istanbul Programme of Action, an action plan used to guide sustainable economic development efforts for Least Developed Countries for the 2011 to 2020 period. The main goal was to understand the lessons learnt by the world's Least Developed Countries (LDCs) over the past five years and apply the knowledge moving forward.
Women’s Health Takes Center Stage at UN Population Awards
- Inter Press Service
Social Scientist, Carmen Barroso and Polish Organisation, Childbirth in Dignity received the United Nations Population Awards here Thursday for their outstanding work in population, improving individuals' health and welfare, and specifically for their decades-long leadership in women's rights.
Disagreement Continues Over Global Drug Policy
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 24 (IPS) - A new report has found that global drug use largely remains the same, but perspectives on how to address the issue still vary drastically.
Ethiopia-Eritrea: The Cry of the Imburi
- Inter Press Service
GENEVA, Jun 24 (IPS) - The 12 June 2016 exchange of artillery fire along the heavily militarized frontier between Ethiopia and Eritrea could be just one of the periodic skirmishes between the two States. However, it could be the first signs of a flare up of violence. There have been calls from the United Nations and African Union officials for "restraint" but as yet no steps for real conflict resolution.
Let 5-year-old Sherry Tell You How Handwashing with Soap Saves Lives
- Inter Press Service
Migori County, Kenya, Jun 24 (IPS) - For twenty-six year old Eunice from Migori County,Kenya, celebrating her daughter Sherry's fifth birthday is a milestone that few of her friends have enjoyed. As with many areas of Africa, a child born in Migori is seven times more likely to die before the age of five, compared to a child in Europe.
Bringing Back Our Girls Is Not The End of The Story
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 23 (IPS) - "Wherever war reaches there is rape, and wherever rape is there is trauma, pain and terror" said Zainab Bangura, Special Representative of the Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict said here last week.
Political Crisis Looms in Nicaragua in Run-Up to Elections
- Inter Press Service
MANAGUA, Jun 23 (IPS) - The seventh consecutive nomination of Daniel Ortega as the governing party's candidate to the presidency in Nicaragua, and the withdrawal from the race of a large part of the opposition, alleging lack of guarantees for genuine elections, has brought about the country's worst political crisis since the end of the civil war in 1990.
UN Staff Unions Demand Stronger Action on Sexual Abuse
- Inter Press Service
NEW YORK, Jun 23 (IPS) - The United Nations claims it is doing its best to curb widespread sexual abuses in its peacekeeping operations overseas – from Haiti all the way to the Central African Republic.