News headlines in June 2017, page 8
A Bold Step toward the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
- Inter Press Service
NEW YORK, Jun 07 (IPS) - As previously announced, the President of the United Nations Conference for the negotiation of a Convention on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, Costa Rican Ambassador Elayne Whyte-Gómez, unveiled last 22 May the draft elaborated after the first part of those negotiations in March.
The Relentless March of Drought - That ‘Horseman of the Apocalypse
- Inter Press Service
ROME, Jun 07 (IPS) - By 2025 –that's in less than 8 years from today-- 1.8 billion people will experience absolute water scarcity, and two thirds of the world will be living under water-stressed conditions. Now it is feared that advancing drought and deserts, growing water scarcity and decreasing food security may provoke a huge ‘tsunami" of climate refugees and migrants.
Solar Tents Improve Nutrition in Highlands Villages in Bolivia
- Inter Press Service
PHUYUWASI, Bolivia, Jun 07 (IPS) - In this remote highlands valley community in central Bolivia, a group of Quechua indigenous women have learned how to combat the intense frosts and the shortage of water in solar tents, and to use what they grow to prepare nutritious new meals for their families.
Naming and Shaming Human Rights Violators
- Inter Press Service
GENEVA, Jun 06 (IPS) - Fifty years ago, this was the day I first heard the sound of war. I was three and a half years old and, while fragmentary, I can still remember military men milling around our home in Amman, an armoured car stationed nearby and later, planes that flew overhead.
Post-Soviet Russian economic collapse
- Inter Press Service
MOSCOW and KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 06 (IPS) - Wide-ranging economic reforms following the demise of the Soviet Union at the end of December 1991 mainly resulted in economic collapse in most successor states. By the mid-1990s, output had fallen by about half compared to 1989.
Renewing Commitment to SDGs: Private Sector Gets Active
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 06 (IPS) - Just last month business representatives from around the world joined the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Fund commemorate their work as part of the Private Sector Advisory Group (PSAG).
Saving the Oceans, Saving the Future: Officials Tackle Marine Pollution
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Jun 06 (IPS) - The oceans' health is only getting worse and the cycle of decline must be reversed, said representatives at the opening of a high-level UN conference.
Instability Widens in Mali and the Sahel Region of Africa
- Inter Press Service
GRAVIERES, France, Jun 06 (IPS) - The first foreign visit of the new French President Emmanuel Macron, after a now habitual trip to Berlin, was to Gao in northern Mali as head of the French military.
Women Small-Holder Farmers, Key Drivers for Sustainable Production
- Inter Press Service
HARARE, Jun 05 (IPS) - The shouts can be heard from a distance as one approaches Domboshawa, 30 kilometres northeast of the Zimbabwean capital, Harare.
Charting a Course to a Blue Commonwealth
- Inter Press Service
LONDON, Jun 05 (IPS) - The United Nations Ocean Conference offers an historic opportunity to safeguard the ocean environment and support small island and vulnerable developing coastal states, who depend on the seas for national economic growth and sustainable development.