News headlines in September 2018, page 6
A Personal Remembrance of and a Tribute to Kofi Annan on the Occasion of the 2018 African Green Revolution Forum
- Inter Press Service
Sep 13 (IPS) - Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn is President of the World Food Prize Foundation.
When Kofi Annan passed away just last month, I issued a statement on behalf of the World Food Prize that said:
Kofi Annan's vision in creating the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to ensure global food security for all in the 21st century, will ultimately be seen as his greatest contribution.
Q&A: Achieving Sustainable Goals: “In the End it is All About People. If People Want, it Will Happen.”
- Inter Press Service
STOCKHOLM, Sep 12 (IPS) - Manipadma Jena interviews the Deputy Director and Water Sector Lead at the Global Green Growth Institute's (GGGI) Investment and Policy Solutions Division, PETER VOS.Today just over two billion people live without readily available, safe water supplies at home. And more than half the world's population, roughly 4.3 billion people, live in areas where demand for water resources outstrips sustainable supplies for at least part of the year.
“Running Out Of Time” - Local Communities Mobilise for the Climate
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 12 (IPS) - Local communities across the globe have risen up to demand commitments on climate change, as frustration mounts over the lack of action.
Q&A: As Water Scarcity Becomes the New Normal How Do We Manage This Scarce Resource?
- Inter Press Service
STOCKHOLM, Sep 11 (IPS) - Manipadma Jena interviews the executive director of the Stockholm International Water Institute, Torgyn Holmgren.
Growing economies are thirsty economies. And water scarcity has become "the new normal" in many parts of the world, according to Torgyn Holmgren, executive director of the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).
Law of the Sea Convention Expands to Cover Marine Biological Diversity
- Inter Press Service
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, Sep 11 (IPS) - Dr Palitha Kohona is former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations & former co-Chair of the UN Adhoc Working Group on Biological Diversity Beyond Areas of National Jurisdiction.
Responding to a persistent demand by developing countries, the conservation community and science, the UN General Assembly has commenced a process for bringing the areas beyond national jurisdiction in the oceans under a global legally binding regulatory framework.
Great Recession, greater illusions
- Inter Press Service
SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Sep 11 (IPS) - In 2009, the world economy contracted by -2.2%. Growth in all developing countries declined from around 8% in 2007 to 2.6% in 2009 as the developed world contracted by -3.8% in 2009. The collapse of the Lehmann Brothers investment bank in September 2008 symbolized the US financial crisis that triggered the Great Recession of 2008-2009.
Former Wall Street Banker Who Advanced the Cause of Women & Children in Africa
- Inter Press Service
BRIGHTON, UK, Sep 10 (IPS) - Sir Richard Jolly, an eminent development economist, is Honorary Professor, former Director of the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, UK, and UNICEF Deputy Executive Director (1982-1995).
What is it like to work for the United Nations? Many probably imagine little more than an almost endless round of boring speeches, bureaucrats and governments discussing and disagreeing over long-standing conflicts with stalemate and few results.
International Law Experts Warn Europe’s ‘Pull Back’ of Migrants is Illegal - Part 2
- Inter Press Service
ROME, Sep 10 (IPS) - This is the second part of our series about migration to Italy."The Italian and other European authorities are engaging – on the migration issue – in a policy which has the foreseeable results of numerous deaths." It is a grim warning from expert on international law, refugees and migration issues, and member of the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN)Itamar Mann.
Salmon Farming, Questioned in Chile, Arrives to Argentina
- Inter Press Service
BUENOS AIRES, Sep 10 (IPS) - Questioned for its environmental and health impacts in Chile, where it is one of the country's main economic activities, salmon farming is preparing to expand in Argentina from Norway, the world's largest farmed salmon producer. The news has triggered a strong reaction from civil society organisations.
‘All the Roads Leading to Agadez and Italy are Dangerous’
- Inter Press Service
DAKAR, Sep 08 (IPS) - El Adama Diallo left his home in Senegal on Oct. 28, 2016, with dreams of reaching Europe in his heart and a steely determination that made him take an alternative, dangerous route to get there despite the absence of regular migration papers in his pocket.