News headlines in October 2019, page 7

  1. World Food Day 2019 - “Our Actions Are Our Future”

    - Inter Press Service

    ROME, Oct 14 (IPS) - Globalization and urbanization have had a staggering impact on human history, especially over the last decade. 

  2. Making a Whale of a Difference to Marine Conservation

    - Inter Press Service

    SYDNEY, Australia, Oct 14 (IPS) - The thrill of watching a whale up close or schools of dolphins frolicking in an ocean are much sought after experiences today, boosting the demand for tours that provide people the opportunity to see these marine animals in their natural habitats. But becoming a major tourist drawcard has also exposed cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and their environs to risks and challenges.

  3. Huge moment for Ethiopia as Abiy Ahmed wins Nobel Peace prize

    - Inter Press Service

    ADDIS ABABA, Oct 12 (IPS) - It's one of the world's most prestigious honours, and has been awarded to Ethiopia's prime minister in recognition of his inspired leadership across the Horn of Africa. But the award also comes at a time when his domestic policies and credibility are under increasing strain.Ethiopia found itself in the global spotlight for all the right reasons after Abiy Ahmed, its young, dynamic prime minister was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

  4. Obama’s Portraitist Challenges Napoleon’s Painter

    - Inter Press Service

    PARIS, Oct 11 (IPS) - Fresh from unveiling a huge statue of a black man on horseback in New York's Times Square, renowned African American artist Kehinde Wiley flew to France this week to "meet" 18th-century French painter Jacques-Louis David.

  5. Justin Trudeau´s Blackface

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    STOCKHOLM / ROME, Oct 11 (IPS) - Politics is a dodgy game, maybe even more so if you represent political views based on a moral approach.

    When the charismatic Justin Trudeau, son of a cosmopolitan liberal who served as Canada´s Prime Minister for 16 years, in 2015 was elected Prime Minister it was within a global political climate different from what it is today.

    Barack Obama was in the White House, Angela Merkel served her third period as German Chancellor, and the UK Government had not yet announced its country's withdrawal from the EU. Nevertheless, Russia had three months before Trudeau´s election annexed Crimea, while Viktor Orbán´s Hungarian government the month before initiated the construction of a 4 metres high barrier along its nation´s eastern and southern borders to keep immigrants out.

  6. For Some in Kashmir Marriage Equates to Sexual Slavery

    - Inter Press Service

    SRINAGAR, Oct 11 (IPS) - This is part of a series of features from across the globe on human trafficking. IPS coverage is supported by the Riana Group.Haseena Akhtar was only 13 when an agent told her parents that they could earn a good amount of money by letting her marry a Kashmiri man. The man was, however, three times older than Akhtar, the agent said.

  7. Wanted: Bold Leadership by António Guterres: On Sustainable Funding of United Nations

    - Inter Press Service

    KATHMANDU, Nepal, Oct 11 (IPS) - The United Nations is faced with a financial crisis once again. Leaders of as many as 64 countries who paraded and pontificated at the UN General Assembly and its multiple Summit meetings in September 2019 were deadbeats, who had not paid their dues in full to the UN for this year.

  8. Austerity, the “New Normal”

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    WASHINGTON DC, Oct 11 (IPS) - While this week Ministers of Finance and economists meet in Washington to confront global economic challenges at the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings, the majority of the world population lives with austerity cuts and see their living standards deteriorating. World leaders must reverse this trend.

  9. Aid Groups Warn of Humanitarian Crisis from Turkey’s Assault on Syria

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Oct 10 (IPS) - Aid groups operating in northeastern Syria have been raising the alarm about civilian casualties and an impending humanitarian crisis this week, as Turkey began a military assault on the turbulent region's Kurdish militants.

  10. The Role of Emerging Technologies in Military Conflicts

    - Inter Press Service

    STOCKHOLM, Oct 10 (IPS) - Throughout history, technology has transformed armed conflict. The carnage of First World War battlefields is a stark example of what happens when advances in weaponry outpace the normative frameworks around its use.

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