News headlines in December 2020

  1. Tractors Can Change Farming in Good Ways and Bad: Lessons from Four African Countries

    - Inter Press Service

    Dec 29 (IPS) - Agricultural mechanisation is on the rise in Africa, replacing hand hoes and animal traction across the continent. While around 80-90% of all farmers still rely on manual labour or draught animals, this is changing, driven by falling machinery prices and rising rural wages. During the last couple of years, tractor sales grew by around 10% annually.

  2. Women Need Support and Understanding after Miscarriage

    - Inter Press Service

    ABUJA, Dec 29 (IPS) - Recently, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, wrote a piece sharing about her miscarriage. I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second, she wrote. She is part of a growing list of celebrities who have publicly shared their experiences with miscarriages.

  3. Belo Monte Dam: Electricity or Life in Brazil's Amazon Rainforest

    - Inter Press Service

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec 28 (IPS) - "We are no longer familiar with the Xingú River," whose waters govern "our way of life, our income, our food and our navigation," lamented Bel Juruna, a young indigenous leader from Brazil´s Amazon rainforest.

  4. Reflecting Back and Imagining Forward

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    SYDNEY, Dec 24 (IPS) - What a challenging year 2020 has been! A year of living dangerously – “Tahun vivere pericoloso”- perhaps these words of late President Soekarno of Indonesia are the best description.

    Fortunately, I managed to remain sane, reading and writing op-eds (mostly about the pandemic, here, here).

  5. Ten Defining Moments for Women in 2020

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Dec 23 (IPS) - While 2020 will be remembered most for the way COVID-19 changed our lives in nearly every way and in every part of the world, we made some strides for women’s rights and gender equality.

  6. Food Culture in Spotlight on UNESCO Heritage List

    - Inter Press Service

    PARIS, Dec 23 (IPS) - Cuisine formed a notable portion of the latest inscriptions on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, with hawker food in Singapore and couscous traditions in North Africa being celebrated.

  7. 2020: A Yet More Devastating Year Closes With At Least Some Signs Of Hope

    - Inter Press Service

    ROME, Dec 23 (IPS) - Despite its grim record of multiple natural disasters and a deepening climate crisis, one could be forgiven for looking back on 2019 with a degree of nostalgia. There is no disguising the extent of the calamity wrought this year by COVID-19, yet as we approach the end of 2020 we may also draw strength from positive developments emerging.

  8. 'We Might Have a Covid-21 or Covid-22 Coming Our Way'

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Dec 23 (IPS) - Cristián Samper is working for the Wildlife Conservation Society, an organization that concerns itself with the health of wildlife all over the globe. And he warned --even before the Covid-19 pandemic – about the dangers of a viral pandemic.

  9. Indigenous Leaders want Traditional Knowledge to be Centrepiece of New Global Biodiversity Framework

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Dec 23 (IPS) - Once omitted from biodiversity treaty negotiations, indigenous people now have a say in a landmark global framework expected to be signed by 190 countries The picturesque Mahuat River in Dominica is one of 8 communities that make up the Kalinago Territory – a 3,700-acre area on the Caribbean island’s east coast that is home to the Kalinago people, the largest indigenous group in the Eastern Caribbean. It is where 19-year-old Whitney Melinard calls home. Melinard is among a rising group of Dominica’s Kalinago youth, using their voices and platforms to speak out on issues affecting their people.

  10. The World in 2021

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    NEW YORK, Dec 22 (IPS) - The year 2020 is ending with the world caught up in an unprecedented human and economic crisis. The pandemic has contaminated 75 million people and killed 1.7 million. With the lockdowns, the global economy has suffered the worst recession in 75 years, causing the loss of income for millions of people. In such a bleak environment, what will the new year bring? Whilst uncertainty is the only certainty, eight points are likely to be key in the year ahead:

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