News headlines in 2020, page 10

  1. Sustainable Measures Help Farmers Script a Positive Story Amid COVID-19 Uncertainty

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    HYDERABAD, India, Nov 26 (IPS) - As India continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and a growing number of deaths, farmers here have been fighting a battle of their own against volatile pricing, uncertain demand and lack of access to the market. But in the midst of all this uncertainty, one farming couple in a village near Hyderabad are working to become a food-secure future for themselves using eco-friendly farming techniques.

  2. G20 Puts More into Fossil Than Green Energy in Covid-19 Recovery Packages

    - Inter Press Service

    BUENOS AIRES, Nov 26 (IPS) - As the world’s leading economies direct trillions of dollars towards Covid-19 recovery packages, a significant proportion is going to fossil fuel industries without climate stipulations, according to the 2020 edition of the Climate Transparency Report – which has assessed the climate performance of G20 countries.

  3. Millions of New Poor Are on the Way Who Cares?

    - Inter Press Service

    ROME, Nov 26 (IPS) - The recent meeting of the G20 – scheduled to take place in Riyadh but held virtually due to the Coronavirus pandemic – has been an eloquent example of how the world is drifting, in a crisis of leadership. It was, in a sense, a showcase. Everybody had to accept the view that the host of the meeting, the ailing King Salman of Saudi Arabia, was accompanied on TV screens by his apparent heir, Prince Mohamed bin Salman, who is clearly the mastermind of the brutal assassination, dismembering and disappearance of the body of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

  4. Can Africas Third Industrial Development Decade Deliver?

    - Inter Press Service

    VIENNA, Nov 26 (IPS) - Industrial development in Africa has been sluggish for some decades. Now, as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic kick in, hopes for better progress, at least in the short term, appear to be fading. But if countries grasp the right opportunities, the next decade can deliver the industrial change needed to meet the challenges ahead. Industrialization and development go hand in hand. There is hardly a country in the world that has developed without building a strong manufacturing base. But for Africa – sometimes referred to as the continent of the future – the fruits of industrialization have often seemed just out of reach.

  5. Q&A: Mro Indigenous Community Plea for Halt of Construction of 5-Star Hotel

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Nov 25 (IPS) - The construction of a five-star hotel in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, could lead to the forced eviction of the Mro indigenous community from their ancestral lands and destroy “the social, economic, traditional and cultural fabric of the community”, warns Amnesty International.

    But local activist Reng Young Mro told IPS that the international community must rally behind the Mro indigenous community to halt the construction.

  6. Not all 74 million Trump Voters Can be Racists

    - Inter Press Service

    BERLIN, Nov 25 (IPS) - Trumpism isn’t just going away after the US elections. And we finally need to understand why. Donald Trump will have to leave the White House in January. Although there will be a few skirmishes in the US courts in the coming weeks to sort out whether some votes were legitimate or not, the outcome won’t change.

  7. Online Attacks On Female Journalists Are Increasingly Spilling Into the 'Real World' New Research

    - Inter Press Service

    Nov 25 (IPS) - The insidious problem of online violence against women journalists is increasingly spilling offline with potentially deadly consequences, a new global survey suggests.

  8. Food as Prevention Rising to Nutritional Challenges

    - Inter Press Service

    NAPLES, Italy, Nov 25 (IPS) - The risks factors contributing to the dramatic rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in recent decades have been known for a long time but the Covid-19 pandemic has brutally exposed our collective failure to deal with them.

  9. CARE Offers Policies That Engender Success for Young People in Agribusiness

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    IBADAN, Nigeria, Nov 25 (IPS) - Often cited as Africa’s greatest asset, its youth are also among the most vulnerable and volatile.

    A large and growing population of talented young people has the potential to drive economic growth and well-being of societies across the continent but, as the African Development Bank warns, current conditions of severe unemployment are translating into poorer living conditions, higher flows of migration, and greater risks of conflict – in short, a social disaster in the making.

  10. It's Time for Results as Sudan Enters Second Year of NDC Partnership

    - Inter Press Service

    KHARTOUM, Nov 24 (IPS) - Earlier this year, when heavy rains caused massive flooding in Sudan, a three-month state of emergency was declared in September. The floods which began in July, were the worst the country experienced in the last three decades and affected some 830,000 people, including 125,000 refugees and internally displaced people.

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