News headlines in November 2021, page 2
Profiting from the Carbon Offset Distraction
- Inter Press Service
SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 (IPS) - Carbon offset markets allow the rich to emit as financial intermediaries profit. By fostering the fiction that others can be paid to cut greenhouse gases (GHGs) instead, it undermines efforts to do so.
High Global Fertiliser Prices Overshadow Malawi's Farm Subsidy Programme
- Inter Press Service
BLANTYRE, Malawi, Nov 29 (IPS) - Ellena Joseph, a small-scale maise farmer in Chiradzulu District in Southern Malawi, finished preparing her field early in October.
Mexico: Over 95,000 registered as disappeared, impunity 'almost absolute'
- UN News
As of last Friday, more than 95,000 people have been officially registered as disappeared in Mexico. That includes a worrying increase in the number of women and children, a trend that has worsened during the pandemic, with migrants particularly at risk.
Financing sustainable development needed more than ever, says UN deputy chief Mohammed
- UN News
Securing the funding needed for sustainable development by involving as many actors from different sectors as possible, is more urgent than ever, amid a widening “trust deficit” between the haves and the have-nots, the UN Deputy Secretary-General said on Monday.
World ‘dangerously unprepared’ for future pandemics unless leaders tackle inequalities, UNAIDS warns
- UN News
Unless leaders tackle stark inequalities, the world could face 7.7 million AIDS-related deaths over the next 10 years, the Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) warned on Monday in a new report.
Pakistan: Gender-Intentional Policy Can Make Agent Banking Work Better
- Inter Press Service
WASHINGTON DC, Nov 29 (IPS) - Many women in Pakistan remain financially excluded. In 2020, only 7% of the female population had a formal account.
One of the reasons for this is that agent networks — the bridge between the cash economy and digital financial services — remain largely inaccessible to many women. Approaching policy and regulation through a gender-intentional lens that considers prevailing social norms can help regulators affect positive change in this arena.
UN chief calls for nuclear weapons-free Middle East
- UN News
The UN Secretary-General on Monday called on all Middle East States to transform the vision of a region with no nuclear weapons, or other weapons of mass destruction, into a working reality.
Omicron COVID variant underlines need for global ‘pandemic treaty’
- UN News
The emergence of the threatening new Omicron variant shows how important it is for the world to end the current “cycle of panic and neglect” over the COVID-19 pandemic, said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday.
Coronavirus pandemic could cost global tourism $2 trillion this year
- UN News
The coronavirus pandemic will likely cost the global tourism sector $2 trillion in lost revenue in 2021, the UN's tourism body said Monday, calling the sector's recovery "fragile" and "slow."
IOM scales up aid at EU-Belarus border, as migrant hypothermia deaths tick up
- UN News
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and partners, are scaling up aid along the border between the European Union and Belarus, amid worsening winter weather, which is leading to rising deaths due to hypothermia among asylum seekers stranded there.