News headlines in April 2022, page 7

  1. UN human rights experts urge United States to ease Afghanistan assets freeze

    - UN News

    Alarmed by the critical humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, independent UN human rights experts called, on Monday, for the United States to end its freeze on Afghanistan’s foreign assets.

  2. UN rights office calls for Singapore stay of execution for Malaysia nationals

    - UN News

    In Singapore, the UN rights office, OHCHR, called on Monday for a stay of execution for two Malaysian nationals accused of drug offences. 

  3. Transgender Ukrainian Refugees Impacted as War with Russia Continues

    - Inter Press Service

    BRATISLAVA, Apr 25 (IPS) - Soon after Russia invaded her country, Anastasiia Yeva Domani found herself forced to abandon the regime of vital medicines she was taking.

  4. Rising Food Prices: Global Risks & Vulnerabilities

    - Inter Press Service

    ROME, Apr 25 (IPS) - The breakout of the conflict in Ukraine and the following imposition of heavy Western sanctions on Russia are causing sharp price increases in food and energy commodities —of which both Ukraine and Russia represent key exporters — as well as disruptions to global supply chains, impacting the post-pandemic economic recovery.

  5. Working towards a malaria-free world

    - UN News

    Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the past year has seen “significant breakthroughs in malaria prevention and control”, a senior official of the UN health agency said on Monday, World Malaria Day.

  6. 'Tomorrow could be too late': The UN calls for an immediate halt to fighting in Mariupol, Ukraine

    - UN News

    The UN’s crisis coordinator in Ukraine called on Sunday for an immediate stop to fighting in besieged Mariupol to allow trapped civilians to leave the city safely.

  7. Volunteers demonstrate compassion of Ramadan in Indonesia: A UN Resident Coordinator blog

    - UN News

    Millions of volunteers in Indonesia have given their time and expertise to help build a fairer and more inclusive society according to Valerie Julliand, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the country. 

  8. New Ebola outbreak declared in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    - UN News

    The health authorities of the African nation declared a new outbreak of Ebola after a case was confirmed in Mbandaka, a city in the north-western Equateur Province, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported on Saturday.

  9. First Person: Torres Strait Islanders fight the loss of their ancestral home

    - UN News

    A story from UN News

    Yessie Mosby is one of the so-called Torres Strait Eight, a group from the Pacific Islands which lodged a complaint with the UN Human Rights Council, that Australia is not doing enough to protect their people from climate change, in the first ever case of its kind. Mr. Mosby explained to UN News why they decided to take this unprecedented step.

  10. ‘This is not about Russia, this is about Multilateralism’

    - Inter Press Service

    Apr 22 (IPS) - Q: Liechtenstein has just initiated a resolution at the United Nations that mandates a meeting of the General Assembly whenever a veto is cast in the Security Council. What’s behind this initiative?

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