News headlines in October 2022, page 5

  1. 19 life-threatening fungi listed in bid to tackle antifungal resistance

    - UN News

    If you had to name some of the planet’s most life-threatening fungal diseases, would you know where to begin? 

  2. Countries’ climate promises still not enough to avoid catastrophic global warming: UN Report

    - UN News

    While plans submitted by most signatories of the Paris Agreement would reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, they are still not ambitious enough to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, a new report by UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) warned on Wednesday.

  3. Climate change: CO2 and methane in our atmosphere reach record levels

    - UN News

    Atmospheric levels of the three main greenhouse gases warming our planet - carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide- all reached new record highs in 2021, according to a new report from the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

  4. Security Council counter-terrorism body to review growing threat posed by new technologies

    - UN News

    The United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee holds a special meeting in Mumbai and New Delhi beginning on Friday, focused on the growing threat posed by new and emerging technologies.

  5. Iranian Women Fight in the Streets, But Also from Home

    - Inter Press Service

    COPENHAGEN, Oct 25 (IPS) - It’s been over a month since Bayan, a 30-year-old Persian language teacher, last left her home in the Kurdish city of Piranshahr, 730 northwest of Tehran. Her parents believe they must protect her from what might happen to a protester in Iran.

  6. Broken Relationship with Nature Exposed as Global Wildlife Population Plummets

    - Inter Press Service

    Nairobi, Oct 25 (IPS) - Home to a variety of iconic and rare animal and plant species, freshwater lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and the expansive Indian Ocean coastline, Kenya’s place as a biodiversity hotspot has never been in doubt.

  7. Climate Change Brings New Pest & Disease Pressures Previously Unimaginable

    - Inter Press Service

    BERLIN, Oct 25 (IPS) - In temperate zones lie most of the world’s richest countries, which have also been up till now the world’s major breadbaskets, in meeting international grain, oilseed and livestock product needs.

  8. UNDP to support refurbishment of damaged public buildings in Ukraine

    - UN News

    A €2 million agreement between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the UNDP Development Programme (UNDP), announced on Tuesday, will help restore damaged public buildings in Ukraine and contribute to recovery and reconstruction that is green, resilient, and inclusive.

  9. Sudan: Justice for protesters against coup, key to ending cycle of violence

    - UN News

    UN independent human rights experts on Tuesday demanded real accountability for the year-long brutal crackdown on peaceful protests against the October 2021 military coup in Sudan. 

  10. Political solution still the only path to peace in Syria: UN Special Envoy

    - UN News

    With peace in Syria still an elusive goal, UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen appealed on Tuesday for the Security Council to support his efforts to move the parties closer towards a negotiated political solution to end the brutal 11-year conflict. 

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