News headlines in December 2022, page 11

  1. COP27 Fails Women and Girls – High Time to Redefine Multilaterism (Part 2 of 3)

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Dec 13 (IPS) - The African women and Girls were deeply concerned about the lack of commitment by UNFCCC Parties as climate change continues to impact negatively on the continent victimizing more women and girls.

  2. Needed Global Financial Reforms Foregone yet Again

    - Inter Press Service

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Dec 13 (IPS) - Calls for more government regulation and intervention are common during crises. But once the crises subside, pressures to reform quickly evaporate and the government is told to withdraw. New financial fads and opportunities are then touted, instead of long needed reforms.

  3. Ukraine: Countries must support resilient recovery to prevent ‘cascade’ of poverty, hunger

    - UN News

    The war in Ukraine is a “relentless humanitarian nightmare” said the UN chief on Tuesdaywarning that the death and destruction afflicting civilians there will take years to overcome, and rebuild.

  4. South Sudan: Security Council urged to support implementation of roadmap to transition

    - UN News

    Noticeable progress towards realizing the peace deal in South Sudan has occurred over the past three months, but more action is still needed under a new roadmap to transition, the Security Council heard on Tuesday.

  5. UN honours pioneering initiatives to restore ecosystems worldwide

    - UN News

    Ten initiatives from around the globe, which together aim to restore more than 68 million hectares of land and coastlines, have been recognized by the UN for their role in preventing and reversing the degradation of natural habitats across the planet. 

  6. Somalia: Famine narrowly averted – so far, warn UN humanitarians

    - UN News

    In Somalia, a full-blown famine has been narrowly averted for now, but the hunger emergency has not gone away, UN humanitarians said on Tuesday.

  7. Global trade growth turns negative after record year: UNCTAD

    - UN News

    Global trade is set to reach almost $32 trillion this year, but inflation has reversed some of the gains made in recent months.

  8. UN reproductive health agency appeals for $1.2 billion to support crisis-affected women and girls

    - UN News

    Amid rising humanitarian needs worldwide, the UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA, on Tuesday launched a $1.2 billion appeal to support 66 million women, girls and young people in 65 countries affected by crisis. 

  9. Mexicos Huge Challenge To Refine Marine Green Fuels

    - Inter Press Service

    VERACRUZ, Mexico, Dec 12 (IPS) - By 2025, the state-owned Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) should comply with Mexican regulations to produce clean fuels, including marine ones, but there’s an obstacle: Mexico lacks a plan for the development of cleaner marine fuels.

  10. Time to Denounce Antisemitism Worldwide

    - Inter Press Service

    PORTLAND, USA, Dec 12 (IPS) - It’s time to step up, speak out and object to antisemitism. Antisemitic remarks, behavior and events cannot continue to be swept under the rugunethically edited for political media consumption, or ignored in hopes that they will simply go away.

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