News headlines in May 2023
Peru's Agro-Export Boom Has not Boosted Human Development
- Inter Press Service
LIMA, May 31 (IPS) - Peru’s agro-export industry is growing steadily and reached record levels in 2022. But this has not had a favorable impact on human development in this South American country, where high levels of inequality, poverty, childhood anemia and malnutrition persist, as well as complaints about the poor quality of employment in the sector.
A Global Plastics Treaty Can End the Age of Plastic
- Inter Press Service
AUCKLAND, New Zealand, May 31 (IPS) - Climate-crisis-fuelled storms have hit New Zealand hard this year. In January, we suffered unprecedented extreme weather and flooding, followed by Cyclone Gabrielle in February - the worst storm in 55 years—which triggered a national state of emergency. In total, we had 5.5 times more rain than Auckland summers typically receive.
Thailand's Opposition Prepares for Office Despite Military Resistance
- Inter Press Service
BANGKOK, May 31 (IPS) - Thailand is heading to the edge of the precipice as conservative and military forces could possibly refuse to recognise the will of the people, as expressed in one of the country's biggest election upsets.
Girls Redrawing the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, May 31 (IPS) - A few weeks ago we celebrated the Girls in ICT Day and I am wondering how can we keep moving the digital equality needle so that more women out of the 259 million that are disconnected today can log in and become creators and not only beneficiaries in the digital economy?
Oversight’s key to ensure sustainability in outer space: Guterres
- UN News
Effective governance of outer space is necessary to propel innovation and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a new policy brief published on Wednesday.
UN commends Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, as final judgement is delivered
- UN News
The UN chief on Wednesday commended the work of the judges and staff of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), as its final judgement was delivered, increasing the prison sentences on appeal of two former top Serbian security officials.
Uganda: Guterres voices deep concern as Anti-Homosexuality Act signed into law
- UN News
UN chief António Guterres is “deeply concerned” after Uganda’s president signed into law a punitive so-called “Anti-Homosexuality Act”, the UN Spokesperson said in a statement released late on Tuesday.
UN chief strongly condemns DPRK spy satellite launch
- UN News
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has strongly condemned the latest satellite launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), his spokesperson said in a statement on Wednesday.
Economic woes dash job prospects in low income countries: ILO
- UN News
Soaring debt levels compounded by high inflation and rising interest rates have dashed job-seekers’ hopes in developing countries, the International Labour Organization (ILO) warned on Wednesday.
Waiting Game for Nigerian Students Awaiting Evacuation on Egyptian Border
- Inter Press Service
ABUJA, May 30 (IPS) - Seven weeks after the bloody conflict in Khartoum, Sudan started, and 41 days after the Nigerian government began the evacuation of residents studying there, students are still on the Egyptian border waiting to be airlifted back to their home country.