News headlines in June 2023, page 18

  1. It's Time to Ban Cigarette Filters

    - Inter Press Service

    BANGKOK, Thailand, Jun 09 (IPS) - The second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on plastic pollution (INC-2), held in Paris, France, from May 29 to June 02, 2023, concluded with optimism and the prospect of ending plastics pollution. Over 700 delegates from 169 Member States agreed to prepare a zero draft of agreement ahead of the third session in November this year.

  2. When the President of the General Assembly was Elected on the Toss of a Coin

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Jun 09 (IPS) - When the General Assembly elected its President for 2023-2024 last week, it continued a longstanding tradition of male dominance in the UN’s highest policy making body.

    The new President for the 78th session, Ambassador Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago, a longstanding career diplomat and a former Permanent Representative, was elected June 1 “by acclamation”.

  3. We Need to Talk About Deep Blue Carbon

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Jun 08 (IPS) - The focus of carbon capture and storage has long been on coastal ecosystems like mangroves and seagrasses. If the world wants to meet its looming climate targets, then it’s time to head to the high seas — the home of deep blue carbon.Almost half of the world’s population lives in coastal zones. For islands in the Pacific and Caribbean islands such as Dominica, where up to 90 percent of the population lives on the coast, the ocean is fundamental to lives and livelihoods. From fisheries to tourism and shipping, this essential body which covers over 70 percent of the planet, is a lifeline.

  4. Will Big Powers Condone a UN Role in Artificial Intelligence?

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Jun 08 (IPS) - The UN is hustling to play a role – perhaps even a leading role – in the revolution of Artificial Intelligence. To some degree this is perfectly natural.

  5. UN investigative team outlines findings around ISIL chemical weapons use

    - UN News

    During their nearly four-year reign of terror in Iraq, ISIL extremists developed at least eight chemical agents, tested them on humans, and carried out at least 13 attacks, UN experts reported on Thursday.

  6. ‘Robust’ cooperation with Arab League can quell conflict in the region

    - UN News

    From settling the conflict in Sudan to realizing a two-State solution in Israel and Palestine, cooperation with the League of Arab States is key to stabilizing the region, Rosemary DiCarloUnder-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, told the Security Council on Thursday.

  7. Dam disaster: UN ‘committed to reaching all Ukrainians in need’, says top aid official

    - UN News

    The UN’s top official in Ukraine reassured the country’s Foreign Minister on Thursday that the Organization has been working to provide support and aid to civilians affected by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam since the first hours of the disaster.

  8. Draft NY state law a ‘golden opportunity’ to ensure fair debt relief

    - UN News

    Proposed legislation in New York state, in the northeast United States, could provide effective and fair relief for developing countries crippled by debt, two experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said on Thursday.

  9. Bangladesh must suspend plans to return Rohingya refugees to Myanmar: Rights expert

    - UN News

    Bangladesh must “immediately suspend” a pilot repatriation project for Rohingya refugees to return to Myanmar, where they face “serious risks” to their lives and freedom, a UN-appointed independent rights expert said on Thursday.

  10. From the Field: Boosting ocean literacy

    - UN News

    In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the annual World Oceans Day Photo Competition, a new exhibit is making a splash now through 14 July at UN Headquarters to promote a better understanding of Earth’s invaluable bodies of water.

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