From the Field: Transforming lives in Darién jungle

IOM provides assistance to migrants at two reception centres in the Darién region.
© IOM/Gema Cortés
IOM provides assistance to migrants at two reception centres in the Darién region.
  • UN News

A rising number of migrants are attempting the dangerous journey across the Darién jungle spanning the Colombia-Panama border. For Etzaida Rios, 35, the impact of providing hope and help runs deep.

Migrants come ashore from the Chucunaque River after crossing the Darién jungle.
© IOM/Gema Cortés
Migrants come ashore from the Chucunaque River after crossing the Darién jungle.

A rising number of migrants are attempting the dangerous journey across the Darién jungle spanning the Colombia-Panama border. For Etzaida Rios, 35, the impact of providing hope and help runs deep.

She works as a Community Officer with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in a temporary migrant reception centre in San Vicente, one of the first points of arrival for migrants, who are often exhausted, malnourished, dehydrated, or injured.

“People arrive with pressing needs and many questions,” she said, after attending to Zuleybis, who fractured her leg while crossing the Darién with her husband José and four children. The Venezuelan family received treatment at the centre before continuing their path north.

“The biggest challenge is witnessing suffering and hearing heartbreaking stories,” she said. “While we see terrible things on television or read about them, it is even harder and more frustrating to see it with your eyes as it unfolds before you.”

Read more about Ms. Rios’ story here.

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