News headlines in 2023, page 9

  1. Sustainability, Human Wellbeing Depend on Rethinking, Redefining Value of Resources

    - Inter Press Service

    ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, Dec 15 (IPS) - While the COP28 presidency celebrated an “historic deal” to transition away from fossil fuels, we must remind ourselves that the future wellbeing of human societies in a livable planet depends on more than that.

  2. UN Staffers Face Threat of Being Forced Out of the US - at Retirement

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Dec 15 (IPS) - Going back to the 1970s, thousands of UN staffers were given legal status opting for permanent residency in the US-- after their retirement.

    But that longstanding privilege now seems to be in jeopardy forcing retirees to return to their home countries uprooting their lives in the US.

  3. Over 700 a day dying from small arms fire; main ‘weapons of choice’ for criminals and terrorists

    - UN News

    Amidst a multitude of global crises and escalating of armed conflicts, small arms and light weapons remain a silent killer, having claimed over 260,000 lives during 2021, amounting to 45 per cent of all violent deaths.

  4. Gaza: UN welcomes Kerem Shalom border crossing announcement

    - UN News

    The UN Spokesperson has welcomed the announcement on Friday by the Israeli cabinet that the Kerem Shalom border crossing into the Gaza Strip will be reopened.

  5. Draw inspiration from human rights advocates worldwide, urges Guterres

    - UN News

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday called on citizens everywhere to draw inspiration from the work of countless rights advocates across the world and defend all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

  6. Global Refugee Forum ends with bold pledges, solutions for displaced

    - UN News

    While some of the world’s poorest countries are welcoming refugees “with great hospitality”, the international community must match that generosity with far greater solidarity, UN chief António Guterres said on Friday.

  7. World News in Brief: Abused Afghan women face prison, UNICEF global alert, deadly mpox resurfaces in DRC

    - UN News

    Under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, women reporting gender-based violence to the authorities may end up in prison – allegedly for the victims’ own protection.

  8. Kabul Residents Endure Hours-Long Queues in Severe Water Crisis

    - Inter Press Service

    Dec 14 (IPS) - The author is an Afghanistan-based female journalist, trained with Finnish support before the Taliban take-over. Her identity is withheld for security reasonsAccording to United Nations statistics, nearly 80 percent of Afghan families lack access to sufficient water for their daily needs. Afghanistan, a landlocked country with limited water resources, is grappling with an exacerbated drought fueled by climate change, affecting the entire region.

  9. Sudans Conflict Needs Civil Society Solutions

    - Inter Press Service

    LONDON, Dec 14 (IPS) - It’s recently been reported that the two main protagonists of Sudan’s current conflict – leaders of the armed forces and militia at war since April – have agreed to face-to-face talks. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), an East African body, announced the potential breakthrough – although Sudan’s foreign ministry has since claimed IGAD’s statement is inaccurate, creating further uncertainty.

  10. 'Imperfect COP28' Gives Direction For Managed, Equitable Move From Fossil Fuels

    - Inter Press Service

    DUBAI, Dec 14 2023 (IPS) - While the outcomes of COP28 are being hotly debated in both the scientific and social justice arenas, the climate conference has taken an unprecedented step forward toward a just transition, says Yamide Dagnet, Director for Climate Justice at the Open Society Foundations.

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