News headlines in March 2024, page 11

  1. Gender Rights: Resistance Against Regression

    - Inter Press Service

    MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Mar 18 (IPS) - Global progress on gender rights has slowed almost to a halt. After decades of steady progress, demands for the rights of women and LGBTQI+ people now play out on bitterly contested territory. Over the course of several decades, global movements for rights won profound changes in consciences, customs and institutions. They elevated over half of humanity, excluded for centuries, to the status of holders of rights.

  2. Countering Growing Authoritarianism Requires a Robust Civil Society, Media & Academia

    - Inter Press Service

    BLAGOEVGRAD, Bulgaria, Mar 18 (IPS) - Putin’s regime has made it abundantly clear that it will violently repress and punish political opposition. Even as protestors chanted "Russia will be free!" at Nalvalny's funeral, dozens were arrested simply for honoring his memory.

  3. 24 million Sudanese children facing ‘generational catastrophe’

    - UN News

    As the war in Sudan enters its second year next month, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on Monday warned of a staggering toll of the crisis on children, with an estimated 24 million teetering on the brink of a “generational catastrophe”.

  4. WHO study shows $39 return for each dollar invested in fight against TB

    - UN News

    The UN World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday called for a funding boost in tuberculosis (TB) screening and prevention programmes to protect vulnerable populations and achieve key health goals.

  5. World News in Brief: Haiti aid delivery continues, South Sudan violence, pandemic treaty talks near end, Guterres on Myanmar crisis

    - UN News

    Aid workers continue to deliver assistance to people in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, amid ongoing tension and volatility, the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, said on Monday.

  6. Iran: Repression continues two years after nationwide protests

    - UN News

  7. UN relief chief calls for overhaul in humanitarian assistance delivery

    - UN News

    The UN’s emergency relief chief on Monday outlined the need for a fundamental shift in how humanitarian assistance is delivered, advocating for greater understanding of the needs of crisis-affected populations and a more proactive approach.

  8. Guterres urges disarmament now as nuclear risk reaches ‘highest point in decades’

    - UN News

    Almost 80 years after the incineration of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear weapons still represent a clear and present danger to global peace and security, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Monday.

  9. Explainer: What is famine?

    - UN News

    Amid growing global concerns over alarming hunger spikes in conflict-affected communities and talk of intensifying levels of food insecurity possibly leading to famine, we looked into how – and when – a famine is classified.

  10. Imminent famine in northern Gaza is ‘entirely man-made disaster’: Guterres

    - UN News

    Amid reports that the Israeli military stormed Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on Monday in search of Hamas fighters, UN humanitarians warned that new food insecurity data indicates that famine could happen “anytime”.

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