News headlines in May 2024, page 9
International Community Urged to End Impunity for Violence Against Healthcare in Conflicts
- Inter Press Service
BRATISLAVA, May 22 (IPS) - Governments and international agencies must do more to end impunity for violence against healthcare, campaigners have urged, as a new report shows that attacks on healthcare during conflicts reached a new high last year.
Small Island Developing States can be Nature-Positive Leaders for the World
- Inter Press Service
UNITED NATIONS, May 22 (IPS) - Small island developing states (SIDS) are scattered across the globe, dotting the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, the west and east coasts of Africa and the Indian Ocean.
ICC War Crimes Charges a Milestone but Falls Far Below Expectations
- Inter Press Service
AMMAN, Jordan, May 22 (IPS) - The ICC Prosecutor’s applications for arrest warrants regarding the Situation in Palestine represent a milestone. But they are of little credit to Prosecutor Karim Khan.
Stories from the UN Archive: Magic suitcases for 1960s midwives
- UN News
Can a magic suitcase save lives?
Droughts and floods threaten ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ across southern Africa
- UN News
Droughts and floods in southern Africa stemming from El Niño have left millions of people food insecure, warns World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director Cindy McCain during a recent visit to Zambia – the epicentre of the crisis.
‘Critical gaps’ in understanding climate change fuel tropical disease spread
- UN News
A comprehensive review by the UN health agency has revealed critical gaps in understanding the full impact of climate change on malaria, dengue, trachoma and other tropical diseases.
Haiti’s health system pushed to breaking point: UNICEF
- UN News
Haiti’s health system is now “on the verge of collapse” UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative in Haiti Bruno Maes warned on Wednesday, amidst an alarming decrease in the number of hospitals still functioning in the violence-wracked Caribbean nation.
‘Be part of the plan’ to end nature loss on Biodiversity Day
- UN News
The diversity of animals, plants and microorganisms on the planet is at risk due to factors such as changing land use, urbanization, overexploitation, pollution and climate change, the UN said on Wednesday, calling for action now to protect a million species from extinction.
Gaza: Rafah aid situation increasingly desperate, UN teams warn
- UN News
Hostilities across Gaza reportedly continued on Wednesday, fuelling already alarming aid access problems and dire food insecurity as the main entrance routes for relief convoys remained closed or too dangerous to accessUN aid workers warned.
Panama’s Elections: Has Impunity Prevailed?
- Inter Press Service
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, May 21 (IPS) - Regional experts called it Panama’s most important election since the 1989 US invasion that deposed de facto president General Manuel Noriega. Panamanians went to the polls amid high inflation and unemployment, with a stagnating economy. Endemic corruption was also high on their long list of concerns, along with access to water, education and a collapsing social security system.