News headlines in June 2024, page 3

  1. Global leaders address security and peacekeeping challenges at UN Police summit

    - UN News

    Police chiefs and government leaders convened at UN Headquarters on Thursday for the opening session of UNCOPS 2024.

  2. ‘Fragility of peace’ depicted in giant new mural on UN tower in Vienna

    - UN News

    In a landmark art project for the Austrian capital Vienna, the UN building there has become a giant canvas representing the challenges of forging peace in a world that is still all too prone to conflict.

  3. UN mission boosts presence in Central African Republic’s conflict-stricken southeast

    - UN News

    The UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) has expanded its presence in the country’s southeast to prevent further violence in areas heavily affected by conflict and systemic issues.

  4. Road safety gets a boost with new UN fix for ‘pedal error’

    - UN News

    Have you ever been driving in your car and pressed the accelerator instead of the brake? It happens more than you might think and it’s a cause of serious accidents that UN road safety experts have found a fix to, they announced on Thursday.

  5. Stories from the UN Archive: How the UN was founded amid the ashes of war

    - UN News

    Take a front seat to how it all began: the birth of the United Nations amid the ashes of the Second World War that devastated continents and communities around the world.

  6. Famine risk is real for 14 areas of Sudan amid ongoing fighting

    - UN News

    The risk of widespread famine in Sudan caused by war there was confirmed on Thursday by leading hunger experts who warned that the country faces “the worst levels of acute food insecurity ever recorded”, with no less than 14 areas at the highest level of risk.

  7. Georgia's LGBT+ Law Could Lead to Violent Repression, Rights Group Warns

    - Inter Press Service

    BRATISLAVA, Jun 26 (IPS) - “If this legislation passes, LGBT+ people simply aren’t going to be able to live here.” The warning from Tamar Jakeli, an LGBT+ activist and Director of Tbilisi Pride in Tbilisi, Georgia, is stark, but others in the country’s LGBT+ community agree, accurate.

  8. Worse Than Genocide: Killing Truth

    - Inter Press Service

    ATLANTA, Georgia, Jun 26 (IPS) - There have been many genocides throughout history, but the first to be displayed on TV in all its sickening horror before the entire world is the Israeli genocide against the civilians of Gaza.

  9. Finance Healthcare, Not Insurance Premia

    - Inter Press Service

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jun 26 (IPS) - Comparative research on healthcare financing options shows revenue-financed healthcare to be the most cost-effective, efficient, and equitable, while all health insurance imposes avoidable additional costs.

  10. From banana bread to pineapple pizzas: Women in the Philippines bake a better future

    - UN News

    Banana bread, coconut buns and Spanish-style filled rolls are providing a cooperative of women bakers on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines with the promise of a more secure future, thanks to support from the UN Development Programme, (UNDP).

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