News headlines in September 2024, page 2

  1. Climate crisis: Satellites and AI offer hope for global action, says UN weather agency

    - UN News

    A story from UN News

    Amid renewed warnings from leading climate scientists that global warming could reach 3C above pre-industrial levels this century, the head of the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) insisted on Wednesday that new technology and AI offer the opportunity to implement the drastic action needed to resist the existential crisis.

  2. ECW Delivers Holistic Education Against All Odds, But More Funding Needed

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 17 (IPS) - Education Cannot Wait (ECW) has delivered quality education to children in crisis "against all odds," ECW Executive Director Yasmine Sherif said at the United Nations today. "And you can imagine the odds. We are seeing more armed conflict, a growth of climate-induced disasters and the biggest refugee movement since World War 2." 

  3. To Kill the Future, Zero the Past

    - Inter Press Service

    ATLANTA, Georgia, Sep 17 (IPS) - Today's weapons are capable of wiping out entire swaths of humanity, demolishing remaining shreds of culture along with them. News coverage of the one-sided Gaza campaign make it plain that's exactly what's happening. Destroying the past destroys the future too. The world must band together to make sure these atrocities stop.

  4. Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Worsens While Polio Vaccine Campaign Succeeds

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 17 (IPS) - Today, the chief of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, confirmed that the first round of Gaza's polio vaccination campaign had ended successfully, reaching 90 percent coverage. The second round of this campaign is set to begin by the end of September, delivering Gaza's children with a critical second dose of the polio vaccine.

  5. We Stand with the Girls and Women of Afghanistan

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Sep 17 (IPS) - Today, we stand with solemn hearts as the world marks this week the three-year ban on girls' secondary education in Afghanistan.

    Today and every day, we must stand up for the millions of Afghan girls and women living under the yoke of gender-apartheid: systematized and institutionalized oppression, exclusion, and marginalization based exclusively on their gender. However, standing in solemnity for their suffering is not enough. We must act to remove the oppression and injustice. Against all odds, we must continue to deliver results to provide the girls access to an education well beyond grade sixth.

  6. UN rights expert calls for immediate release of all Israeli hostages

    - UN News

    The UN independent human rights expert on protection from torture on Tuesday reiterated the urgent need for all Israeli hostages held in Gaza to be unconditionally released.

  7. Top UN official appeals for calm following wave of attacks in Lebanon

    - UN News

    The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, has called for calm following attacks across the country on Tuesday which killed at least nine people, including children, and left thousands injured - many critically.

  8. Nigeria: UN agencies assist families affected by floods

    - UN News

    UN agencies and their humanitarian partners are providing life-saving relief to families in Nigeria who lost their homes during recent flooding.

  9. Over 5,000 civilians killed since Myanmar military coup

    - UN News

    The UN human rights office, OHCHR, issued its latest report on Myanmar on Tuesday, detailing a range of serious violations that continue to underscore the deepening crisis and lack of rule of law throughout the country.

  10. Venezuela: Rights probe points to ‘unprecedented’ repression

    - UN News

    Violence used against opponents of the Venezuelan authorities has reached unprecedented levels, a top independent human rights probe alleged on Tuesday, citing arrests, sexual abuse and torture as just some of the methods used by the Government of President Nicolas Maduro to stay in power.

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