News headlines

  1. Smallholder Farmers Gain Least from International Climate Funding

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, Nov 14 (IPS) - Smallholder farmers from the Global South benefit from a grossly disproportionate 0.3% of international climate finance despite producing a third of the world's food and despite holding the key to climate-proofing food systems.

  2. A New Youth Envoy: Symbolic Change or Real Hope?-- Part I

    - Inter Press Service

    KATHMANDU, Nepal, Nov 14 (IPS) - The recent appointment of Dr. Felipe Paullier of Uruguay as the first Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs is a good news for the United Nations. Yet we need to ask ourselves the following question: Can such development also become a real hope, rather than just a symbolic change, for millions of youths from around the world?

  3. Time to Convert Climate Change Rhetoric into Action, Says WFP's Gernot Laganda

    - Inter Press Service

    HYDERABAD, INDIA, Nov 14 (IPS) - 'If you ask what climate justice is, then the litmus test for climate justice is at the local level. So, climate justice needs to be judged by how many people are protected from climate-vulnerable conditions that they have no hand in creating.' – Gernot Laganda, Director of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction at the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)

    It is crucial to narrow the gaps and ensure that climate finance goes to where people are most vulnerable, says Gernot Laganda, Director of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction at the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)—especially as the most fragile states only receive USD 2.1 per capita while non-fragile states receive USD 161.

  4. US ‘at a critical juncture’ in fight against racism: Independent expert

    - UN News

    The United States need to increase efforts to address “enduring systemic racism” at what is a critical juncture in the fight against discrimination, said the UN Human Rights Council-appointed expert on the issuefollowing her first official visit to the country.

  5. Ukraine: UN official ‘utterly outraged’ by brutal attack in Kherson

    - UN News

    The top UN humanitarian official in Ukraine has condemned deadly Russian shelling in the southern city of Kherson on Monday.

  6. Security Council: UN Police need greater support amid ‘many challenges’

    - UN News

    Police officers serving under the UN flag must be properly prepared, equipped and resourced in the face of the significant challenges to both multilateralism and peacekeeping, the Security Council heard on Tuesday.

  7. ‘Close the climate ambition gap’ says UN chief ahead of COP28

    - UN News

    The COP28 climate conference held in Dubai later this month “must be the place to urgently close the climate ambition gap”, as emissions continue to rise and climate chaos intensifies, UN chief António Guterres insisted on Tuesday.

  8. World News in Brief: Diabetes on the rise, UN prisoners in Yemen, Ukraine war fuels rise in landmine casualties

    - UN News

    One hundred years after the discovery of insulin, millions of people with diabetes around the world still cannot access the care they need, risking severe complications, WHO warned on Tuesday’s World Diabetes Day.

  9. Humanitarians step up response to deadly cholera outbreak in Sudan

    - UN News

    Cholera vaccines are expected to arrive in Sudan this month as the country continues to face a deadly outbreak of the disease amidst the ongoing war, the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, said on Tuesday.

  10. Besieged Gaza hospital horror continues as rainfall prompts new health scare

    - UN News

    UN health agency WHO hailed on Tuesday the “heroic efforts” of staff at Gaza City’s besieged Al-Shifa hospital and expressed concern for hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the enclave where heavy rainfall has caused flooding and aggravated the already dire health crisis.

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