News headlines

  1. Niger: Security Council strongly condemns ‘efforts to unconstitutionally change’ Government

    - UN News

    In a press statement published on Friday, the Security Council members called for the immediate and unconditional release of Niger’s democratically-elected President, Mohammed Bazoum, and underscored the need to protect him, his family and members of his Government.

  2. INTERVIEW: Heatwaves endanger workers and reduce productivity

    - UN News

    Sharply rising temperatures across the globe continue to endanger the safety of workers and impact communities with the “least capacity for adaptation,” according to a senior economist at the International Labour Organization (ILO).

  3. Nepals Same-Sex Marriage Breakthrough

    - Inter Press Service

    LONDON, Jul 28 (IPS) - Nepal is the latest country to join the global wave of marriage equality. On 28 June, its Supreme Court ruled that the government must immediately offer temporary registration of same-sex marriages, pending a change in the law. Around 200 couples reportedly sought to register as soon as the court judgment was made.

  4. International Inertia Follows Israeli Assault on Jenin in the West Bank

    - Inter Press Service

    SYDNEY, Jul 28 (IPS) - The likelihood of further confrontations remains high following a major Israeli military assault on an impoverished camp of more than 23,500 Palestinian refugees in Jenin in the north of the occupied West Bank earlier this month. The landlocked Palestinian territory, located between Israel to the west and Jordan to the east, has been illegally occupied, according to international law, following the invasion by Israel 56 years ago.

  5. The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived - UN Secretary-General

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Jul 28 (IPS) - “Humanity is in the hot seat today,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told journalists as the world confronted official data confirming that July 2023 is the hottest month ever recorded in human history.

  6. The Humanitarian & Strategic Risks of US Cluster Munitions Transfers to Ukraine

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON DC, Jul 28 (IPS) - The Biden administration’s decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, a weapon widely banned for the inherent dangers they pose to non-combatants, is risky.

  7. World entering a ‘humanitarian doom loop’, warns UN food aid official

    - UN News

    Russia has not offered any free grain to the UN food relief agency so far, and its policy of buying supplies from Ukraine has been based on its competitive price and quality, a senior WFP official said on Friday.

  8. UN missions battle old and emerging threats, to protect civilians

    - UN News

    Heads of UN peacekeeping forces on Thursday highlighted the work of ‘blue helmets’ in some of the most challenging environments, protecting those in need not only from war and terror but also increasingly from natural disasters and disinformation.

  9. UN pledges to ‘remain engaged and committed’ amid Niger coup

    - UN News

    Humanitarian operations, development support and peace programmes in Niger continue in the wake of the military coup this week, the top UN official in the country said on Friday in a briefing to journalists in New York.

  10. During visit to Greece, UN official calls for enhanced refugee protection

    - UN News

    The Assistant High Commissioner for Protection with the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, Gillian Triggs, concluded a four-day visit to Greece on Friday, where she addressed several critical issues concerning refugees and asylum-seekers in the country.

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