News headlines

  1. UPDATING LIVE: Israel-Gaza crisis; US vetoes Security Council resolution

    - UN News

    The United States on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza. The failure by the Council to make its first public intervention on the Israel-Gaza crisis followed the rejection of a Russian-backed draft on Monday evening.

  2. Israel-Gaza: UN chief urges ceasefire, region ‘on the precipice’

    - UN News

    UN chief António Guterres called on Wednesday for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East to ease the “epic human suffering” in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

  3. Insider Exposé of Environment, Social and Governance Greenwashing

    - Inter Press Service

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Oct 18 (IPS) - A senior manager of the world’s largest investment firm has ‘blown the whistle’ on ESG (environment, social and governance) ‘greenwashing’, especially on supposed climate finance.

  4. Egypt Sacrifices Part of UNESCO Site for Road Development

    - Inter Press Service

    CAIRO, Oct 18 (IPS) - The Egyptian government is clearing a vast area in Historic Cairo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to make way for new main roads and flyover bridges, which it says will improve traffic flow in the sprawling, congested megacity.

  5. Israel Must Remember Its Moral Values in Its Quest to Crush Hamas

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Oct 17 (IPS) - Israel will recover over time from its colossal intelligence failure and its tardiness in responding militarily to Hamas’ massacre. But it cannot do so unless it upholds its moral values and makes every effort to spare the lives of innocent Palestinians as it pursues Hamas’ destruction

  6. Women hold the Key to Success of Pastoralism in Africa

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, Oct 17 (IPS) - Women in pastoralist areas of East Africa are critical to the health of livestock in their communities, holding the key to effective animal vaccination campaigns meant to protect herds against deadly diseases.

  7. Guterres: Turn ‘infrastructure emergency’ into opportunity, but also protect nature

    - UN News

    Infrastructure is a “crucial pathway” to generate economic growth, create decent jobs, transform energy systems, and advance sustainable development, the UN Secretary-General said in an address to world leaders meeting in Beijing, China on Wednesday.

  8. Africa: Great Lakes envoy urges international support amid rising hostilities

    - UN News

    The UN Special Envoy for Africa’s Great Lakes region, appealed to the international community on Tuesday for increased support in resolving the escalating hostilities in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the mounting tension in the wider Great Lakes region.

  9. Human rights experts urge Pakistan to stop planned mass deportation of Afghans

    - UN News

    Pakistan should immediately cancel plans to deport 1.4 million Afghan nationals back to their country, independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council urged on Tuesday.

  10. Carnage at Gaza hospital 'totally unacceptable' says UN's Türk, as warring sides blame each other

    - UN News

    The UN human rights chief has described a strike on a hospital in northern Gaza on Tuesday which has reportedly left many hundreds of people killed and injured as "totally unacceptable."

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