News headlines

  1. Small Islands with Big Aspirations

    - Inter Press Service

    VICTORIA, Seychelles, Oct 02 (IPS) - Everyone knows that small island states are on the frontline of global warming. Rising sea levels, acidification destroying fisheries and coral reefs, and changing patterns of rainfall are just some of the challenges. Some low-lying islands have already been lost to the ocean.

  2. Informal Workers Key to Successful Waste Management in Africa

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, Oct 02 (IPS) - With the African continent recycling less than 11 percent of its waste, COP28 provided leaders on the African continent to consider integrated waste systems that include informal waste workers.

  3. The Human Cost of a Green Energy Transition Without Safeguards

    - Inter Press Service

    GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo, Oct 02 (IPS) - The world is moving away from fossil fuels towards so-called “green” energies as a solution to the climate crisis, which has increased the demand for strategic minerals such as cobalt, copper and lithium.

  4. Security Council authorizes ‘historic’ support mission in Haiti

    - UN News

    In what is being hailed as an historic first, the UN Security Council on Monday authorized the deployment of an international security force to help Haiti’s national police quell surging gang violence and restore security across the strife-torn Caribbean nation.

  5. INTERVIEW: How new mission could support gang-ravaged Haiti

    - UN News

    Criminal gangs have displaced thousands of Haitians, wreaking havoc across the Caribbean nation, and prompting calls for urgent help from President Ariel Henry.

  6. World News in Brief: ‘Competing’ efforts to rebuild Derna, Myanmar mines threat, schools shut in Burkina Faso

    - UN News

    The head of the UN mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has hit out against ‘unilateral and competing initiatives’ being proposed by authorities in the divided country to rebuild the shattered city of Derna, and other flood-affected areas.

  7. New agreement promotes drug-free sport, supports public health

    - UN News

    The UN health agency, WHO, and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have boosted their support for drug-free sport through a four-year agreement signed on Monday in Geneva.

  8. WHO approves second malaria vaccine for children

    - UN News

    The World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday recommended a new anti-malaria vaccine for children, a move that could offer countries a cheaper and more readily available option than the world’s first shot against the parasitic disease.

  9. UN Karabakh mission told ‘sudden’ exodus means as few as 50 ethnic Armenians may remain

    - UN News

    As few as 50 to 1,000 ethnic Armenians are reported to be left in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan after the exodus of recent days saw more than 100,000 flee, the first UN mission to the region in 30 years reported on Monday.

  10. World Habitat Day focuses on cities as drivers of growth

    - UN News

    Priming cities to become drivers of economic growth and recovery in the aftermath of crises such as conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic is the focus of World Habitat Dayobserved on Monday.

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