News headlines

  1. Why Root Crops Are the Future of Food Security in Africa

    - Inter Press Service

    NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 20 (IPS) - Despite the dominance of the “Big Three” cereal crops and a steady rise in meat consumption, an overlooked food sector is projected to become ever more central to Africa’s food security and rural economic growth between now and 2050.

  2. Population Increase in Egypt: A Blessing That Has Become a Curse

    - Inter Press Service

    CAIRO, Sep 20 (IPS) - The population of Egypt increased from 104 million in November 2022 to 105 million in June 2023, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). This represents the growth rate for the country, where the poverty rate is 27.3 percent. The population increase means that every 245 days, it increases by one million, or 3 people per minute.

  3. Dangerous Scramble for Renewable Energy Resources

    - Inter Press Service

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sep 20 (IPS) - The growing and changing material requirements for new technologies have triggered natural resource scrambles for strategic minerals, generating dangerous rivalries fought out in the global South.

  4. Womens Lives & Freedom in Iran: Gains, Losses & Lessons One Year On

    - Inter Press Service

    NEW YORK, Sep 20 (IPS) - On September 16th Iranians everywhere commemorated the first anniversary of Mahsa Jina Amini’s murder by the country’s notorious ‘guidance patrol’. Arrested for being badly covered, the 22-year-old was beaten so violently, she died from brain injuries.

  5. Lebanon faced ongoing insecurity amid regional tensions and weak international cooperation

    - UN News

    Overlapping crises and regional tensions amid a weakened international system have led to economic, political, and institutional insecurity in Lebanon, the President of the Council of Ministers told the UN General Assembly Wednesday evening.

  6. DR Congo President sets early withdrawal of UN peacekeepers, country will take reins of its destiny

    - UN News

    After the decades-long presence of a large UN peacekeeping mission, the Democratic Republic of the Congo will, by the end of the year, aim to take full control of its destiny and become the primary actor in its own stability, the country’s President told the General Assembly on Wednesday.

  7. African leaders take bold stand for sustainable development at UN Assembly

    - UN News

    Addressing the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, leaders from African nations voiced their commitment to achieving sustainable development and called for a more equitable and prosperous world.

  8. Republic of Korea: Russia providing weapons tech to DPRK ‘will be a direct provocation’

    - UN News

    President Yoon Suk-Yeol of Republic of Korea on Wednesday said that if Russia helps the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK) enhance its weapons programmes “the deal will be a direct provocation” and Seoul and its allies “will not stand idly by”.

  9. At UN Assembly, Bosnia and Herzegovina slams ‘foreign influence’ on its institutions

    - UN News

    Zeljko Komsic, the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, addressed the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, railing against the impact of larger countries’ allegedly selective and exploitative immigration policies, a government defined by ethnic divisions, and the intentional undermining of his nation’s stability by its “western and eastern neighbours.”

  10. Health chief hails ‘historic milestone’ in race to avert next pandemic

    - UN News

    UN Member States on Wednesday pledged to prevent a repeat of the devastating health and socioeconomic crises caused by COVID-19 and shore up the world’s ability to head off another pandemic.

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