News headlines

  1. UN marks International Day to Protect Education with call to action

    - UN News

    With tens of millions of children heading back to school in recent weeks, for some, the return to class has them fearing for their lives.

  2. Sudan: UN ‘will never stay neutral’ amid war and human rights abuses

    - UN News

    Both Sudanese Government forces (SAF) and their rival Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are responsible for abhorrent rights violations as they battle for supremacy, the UN envoy to the country said on Wednesday.

  3. Libya floods: UN providing aid as disaster response team deploys

    - UN News

    The UN system is providing aid to areas in eastern Libya impacted by the weekend floods and a disaster assessment team has been deployed to support government response and relief operations, the UN said on Wednesday.

  4. Peace our ‘most fundamental job’, says Guterres

    - UN News

    Today “peace is under assault” across communities, countries and regions, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday, underscoring the need for global solidarity and mutual trust.

  5. UN humanitarian chief in Ukraine condemns 'brutal and relentless' pattern of port attacks

    - UN News

    A string of Russian attacks on port and grain facilities in Ukraine which began over a month ago, have intensified in recent days, drawing condemnation from the UN’s top humanitarian official there.

  6. UNGA78: ‘Action is what the world needs’ - UN chief

    - UN News

    The UN Secretary-General had a clear message on Wednesday to world leaders arriving in New York next week: “This is not a time for posturing or positioning.”

  7. Over 330 million children worldwide living in extreme poverty

    - UN News

    One in every six children is forced to survive on less than $2.15 a day, according to a new report from the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank released on Wednesday.

  8. UN’s work and mission ‘more vital than ever’: Guterres

    - UN News

    In a world grappling with increasingly complex crises ranging from poverty and inequality to the climate emergency, the United Nations remains at the forefront of the global response, determined to set humanity on a path to peace and prosperity, Secretary-General António Guterres has said.

  9. The Perspective of Global Governance for Achieving the SDGs - From the viewpoint of sociology of domination.

    - Inter Press Service

    TOKYO, Japan, Sep 12 (IPS) - Sustainable development is the challenge of how to build a society in which humanity can live with dignity in this global environment.

  10. What Happens in the Arctic Does Not Stay in the Arctic

    - Inter Press Service

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Sep 12 (IPS) - While climate change is relentlessly progressing, threatening life on earth, world leaders continue to meet while planning for a future where this immense menace to human existence remains a minor item on the agenda.

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