News headlines

  1. UN expert urges immediate review of discredited UK sentencing scheme

    - UN News

    A UN expert on torture has called on the UK Government to conduct an urgent review of sentences imposed on prisoners who are being held indefinitely under the discredited Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentencing scheme.

  2. Rights experts call for second UN Decade for People of African Descent

    - UN News

    Human rights experts on Wednesday urged the UN General Assembly to declare a second International Decade for People of African Descent starting in 2025 as more action is needed to combat racism and other intolerance.

  3. UN chief ‘firmly condemns’ Gabon coup, notes reports of election abuses

    - UN News

    The UN Secretary-General on Wednesday firmly condemned the on-going coup attempt in Gabon, while acknowledging that “serious infringements of fundamental freedoms” appear to have taken place during elections at the weekend.

  4. Guterres calls for end to ‘atrocious crime’ of enforced disappearances

    - UN News

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres marked Wednesday’s International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance by condemning the “atrocious crime” and urging all Member States to hold those who perpetrate it accountable.

  5. UNICEF urges support for children, as wildfires rage across Greece

    - UN News

    The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Wednesday called for urgent assistance for children caught up in wildfires in Greece, considered to be the worst Europe has seen since the turn of the century.

  6. Mexico: Rights experts ‘outraged’ over attacks on women activists

    - UN News

    A group of UN independent human rights experts on Wednesday urged the Government of Mexico to investigate and prosecute those who attack and kill women activists searching for their missing relatives.

  7. UN Financing Appeal Last Hope for SDGs and Climate?

    - Inter Press Service

    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Aug 30 (IPS) - The United Nations Secretary-General’s Dialogue on Financing for Development on 20 September may well be the world’s last chance to save the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and curb global warming in time.

  8. Guatemala: Change Within Reach

    - Inter Press Service

    MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Aug 29 (IPS) - On 20 August, Guatemala witnessed a rare event: despite numerous attempts to stop it, the will of the majority prevailed. Democracy was at a dramatic crossroadsbut voters got their say, and said it clearly: the country needs dramatic change and needs it now.

  9. Digging Africa Deeper into Hunger; Annual Green Revolution Forum ignores widespread failure of its push for industrialized agriculture

    - Inter Press Service

    CAMBRIDGE, MA., Aug 29 (IPS) - As the adage goes, when you find yourself stuck in a hole, stop digging. As African leaders and their philanthropic and bilateral sponsors prepare for another glitzy African Green Revolution Forum, convening September 5-8 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, they are instead handing out new shovels to dig the continent deeper into a hunger crisis caused in part by their failing obsession with corporate-led industrialized agriculture.

  10. Africa Climate Summit: Time for Tangible, Impactful, & Accountable Climate Action

    - Inter Press Service

    OAKLAND, California, Aug 29 (IPS) - African leaders, public officials, and private-sector executives will converge in Nairobi, September 4-6, at the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) – coinciding with the UN Africa Climate Week (ACW). In recent years, Africa has been the poster child for climate solutions, with carbon credit and offset projects gaining popularity among the public and private sectors alike.

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