News headlines

  1. Malawi: Truck drivers learn about risks of human trafficking

    - UN News

    Truck drivers in southern Africa who have been recruited to traffic or smuggle people illegally are learning about the risks involved thanks to the UN drugs and crime agency, UNODC.

  2. Guterres calls for peaceful resolution of election disputes in Zimbabwe

    - UN News

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres is closely following developments in Zimbabwe’s elections, his spokesperson said on Sunday.

  3. Malawi: Truck drivers learn about risks of human trafficking

    - UN News

    Truck drivers in southern Africa who have been recruited to traffic or smuggle people illegally are learning about the risks involved thanks to the UN drugs and crime agency, UNODC.

  4. Indonesian doctors act on tell-tale signs of family violence

    - UN News

    Doctors on the Indonesian island of Central Sulawesi are putting into practice training they have received from the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) to identify and act upon cases of domestic violence.

  5. Debt & Crisis of Survival in Sri Lanka & the World

    - Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON DC, Aug 25 (IPS) - Sri Lanka has been faced with an unprecedented political and economic crisis since the beginning of 2022.

    The dominant narrative attributes the crisis to the confluence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine conflict, China’s ‘debt trap diplomacy’ and – most importantly – the corruption and mismanagement of the ruling Rajapaksa family.

  6. A Plea for a UN Summit on the Global Food Crisis

    - Inter Press Service

    UNITED NATIONS, Aug 25 (IPS) - A coalition of civil society organizations, (CSOs), including climate activists, anti-poverty campaigners and celebrity chefs, are among those calling for an emergency meeting of world leaders on the global food crisis during the UN General Assembly (UNGA) sessions in New York next month.

  7. 109-year-old Tulsa Massacre survivor reflects on legacy of slavery in UN visit

    - UN News

    Viola Fletcher was just seven years old when she was forcibly displaced from her hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, by an armed mob which destroyed the predominantly Black enclave of Greenwood, killing hundreds of residents.

  8. DPR Korea: Dialogue ‘only way forward’, UN official says in wake of latest launch

    - UN News

    The recent launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) of a satellite posed a major risk to international civil aviation and maritime traffic, a senior UN political affairs official said on Friday, underscoring the need for practical measures to reduce tensions in the Korean Peninsula and create space for dialogue.

  9. Da’esh and affiliates still a threat in conflict zones, UN counter-terrorism officials report

    - UN News

    Despite successful international counter-terrorism initiatives, the extremist group Da’esh and its affiliates continue to pose a serious threat in conflict zones and neighbouring countries, the UN Security Council heard on Friday.

  10. New global fund ‘welcome boost’ to safeguarding biodiversity

    - UN News

    A new global environmental fund marks a major step towards securing the wellbeing of biodiversity in developing countries and will help to ensure sustainable utilization of their natural resources, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Friday.

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