News headlines for “Mainstream Media”, page 13

  1. INDIA-PAKISTAN: Food Heals Historic Hostility

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, then the path to peace between India and Pakistan may lie in the commonalities in their cultures and cuisines.

  2. LAOS-CULTURE: ASEAN Attempts to Build on a Shared Language: Music

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    A landmark concert featuring artistes from eight of the ten South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) took place here on Jan. 21, in an effort to build a regional community through the common language of music.

  3. India Weighs Social Media Curbs

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    After India's agriculture minister Sharad Pawar was slapped by a young Sikh man at a function in New Delhi, to record his protest against corruption in high places, social media sites went viral with musical spoofs and caricatured images of the incident.

  4. Kenyan Chief Tweets His Way to Reducing Crime

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Using 140 characters or less, Chief Francis Kariuki in Kenya, has tweeted his way to reducing crime in his and surrounding villages.

  5. Brazil Deploys 'Junior Firefighters' to Snuff Out Dengue

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    The government of the state of Rio de Janeiro is unveiling a battery of creative tactics to engage the population in the battle against dengue fever, which is threatening to reach unprecedented epidemic proportions as a new virus strain hits Brazil.

  6. Radio Static for Ghana’s Community Stations

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    There is a tension resonating through Ghana’s airwaves, an electric current fueled by rivaling interests between community radio advocates and Ghana’s National Communications Authority.

  7. UGANDA: Using Community Radio to Heal After Kony’s War

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Radio Mega FM’s transmission tower rises from the centre of Gulu town, transmitting talk shows and the latest Ugandan radio hits to listeners across the district. But it also serves as something of an informal memorial to community radio-driven peace efforts during the Lord’s Resistance Army’s destruction of northern Uganda.

  8. PAKISTAN-INDIA: Women Expose Secret Genital Cutting Rite

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    'It was a dark and dingy room, where an elderly woman asked me to take off my panties, made me sit on a low wooden stool with my legs parted and then did something…I screamed out in pain,' recalls Alefia Mustansir, 40, of her childhood experience.

  9. The Ancient Wither in New Iraq

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    'I’d say there are around 5,000 of us in the country, but if you ask me next week we may well be under 3,000. After twenty centuries of history in Mesopotamia, we Mandaeans, are about to vanish.' Anxiety about the future of his people is more than evident in the figures given by Saad Atiah Majid, chairman of Basra’s Mandaean Council.

  10. BRAZIL: Community Radio Flourishes Online

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    Community radio stations in Brazil are finding the internet and user-friendly information technologies to be valuable allies for their broadcasts, which focus on citizenship, social equity and human rights.

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