News headlines for “Biodiversity”
Bangladesh's Ethnic People Safeguarding Forests and Wildlife
- Inter Press Service
RANGAMATI, Bangladesh, Mar 27 (IPS) - Kishore Kumar Chakma, a young man from an ethnic community in Rangamati district, voluntarily guards a village common forest (VCF) so that none can hunt wild animals and fell trees from it.
Royalties, a New Indigenous Right for Hydroelectric Damages in Brazil
- Inter Press Service
RIO DE JANEIRO, Mar 25 (IPS) - Indigenous peoples in Brazil have won a new right: a share in the profits of hydroelectric plants that cause them harm when built on or near their lands.
Strengthening Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Knowledge and Access Opens up Opportunities for Climate, Biodiversity and Desertification Action
- Inter Press Service
RICHMOND HILL, Ontario, Canada, Mar 25 (IPS) - The central role Indigenous Peoples and local communities in addressing climate change, biodiversity loss and desertification has gained widespread recognition over the past decade. Indigenous Peoples’ close dependence on resources and ecosystems, exceptional tradition, and ancestral knowledge are invaluable assets for the sustainable management of our planet’s natural resources.
The Ocean Creeps In: Tanzanian Coastal Communities Fight a Losing Battle
- Inter Press Service
DAR ES SALAAM, Mar 25 (IPS) - What started with a ‘salty’ cup of tea ended with one couple losing their home to climate-change-induced rising sea levels. Solutions, like sea walls, restoration of mangroves, and water management, are too slow to stop the ruin of once-thriving coastal communities.The first time Jumanne Waziri tasted salt in his morning tea, he thought his wife had made a mistake.
Seeds of Survival, Amid Conflict Sudan Is Saving Its Agricultural Future
- Inter Press Service
BULAWAYO, Mar 25 (IPS) - Sudan’s diverse crops and agricultural heritage are at risk of being lost. The ongoing conflict in Sudan is claiming lives and threatening livelihoods and food security.
A Test of Humanity: Migrants’ Rights in a World Turning Inward
- Inter Press Service
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Mar 24 (IPS) - The United Nations Refugee Agency faces devastating cuts that may eliminate 5,000 to 6,000 jobs, with potentially catastrophic consequences for millions of people fleeing war, repression, hunger and climate disasters. This 75-year-old institution, established to help Europeans displaced by the Second World War, now confronts an unprecedented financial crisis, primarily due to the US foreign aid freeze – and the timing couldn’t be worse.
World Day for Glaciers: Glaciers Are in Threat, May Not Survive the 21st Century
- Inter Press Service
BLOOMINGTON, U.S.A, Mar 22 (IPS) - Many glaciers in the world will not survive the 21st century, according to reports published by the United Nations. Five of the past six years have experienced the most rapid glacier retreat on record; 2022-24 was the largest three-year loss of glacier mass.
Food Security and Water, a Priority for Border Towns in Central America
- Inter Press Service
CANDELARIA DE LA FRONTERA, El Salvador, Mar 21 (IPS) - The hope of Salvadoran Cristian Castillo to harvest tomatoes in a municipality of the Central American Dry Corridor hung by a thread when his well, which he used to irrigate his crops, dried up. However, his enthusiasm returned when a regional project taught him how to harvest rainwater for when the rains begin in May.
A Weapon in the Fight for Water Security: Preserving the Glaciers
- Inter Press Service
PRETORIA, South Africa, Mar 21 (IPS) - World Water Day, celebrated on March 22 every year, raises awareness about the importance of water and advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. The theme for 2025 focuses on glaciers — those grandiose ice masses that are a crucial part of the world's water resources.
Glaciers Of The SADC Region – A Wake-Up Call For Climate Action
- Inter Press Service
BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa, Mar 21 (IPS) - World Water Day calls us all to promote the essential element of life: water. But we must also look this year at the rapidly vanishing sources of freshwater that we depend on, especially glaciers. Although glaciers may be remote for many of us, they are an essential component of the water cycle, nourishing rivers and lakes that are important for millions of people around the world. As precious resources with sources under threat, glaciers in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region are an area of focus.