News headlines for “Water and Development”, page 10

  1. Why Does Yangtze River Have its Own Protection Law?

    - Inter Press Service

    A story from Inter Press Service, an international news agency

    AUSTRALIA, Jan 03 (IPS) - The new Yangtze River Protection Law (YRPL), which came into effect on March 1, 2021, is China’s first legislation on a specific river basin. The Yangtze River is China’s longest and largest river system, stretching over 6,300 kilometres and has over 700 tributaries. With a drainage basin covering more than 1.8 million square kilometres, approximately one-fifth of China’s total land area, the river basin is home to over 40% of the country’s population.

  2. Severe Water Stress, Absolute Scarcity for 2 to 4 Billion Humans by 2025

    - Inter Press Service

    MADRID, Dec 23 (IPS) - Now it comes to the scary water crises, as it is estimated that, globally, over two billion people live in countries that experience high water stress.

  3. Rural Women in Peru Seed Water Today to Harvest It Tomorrow

    - Inter Press Service

    CUZCO, Peru, Dec 22 (IPS) - "When I was a little girl we didn't suffer from water shortages like we do now. Today we are experiencing more droughts, our water sources are drying up and we cannot sit idly by," Kely Quispe, a small farmer from the community of Huasao, located half an hour from Cuzco, the capital of Peru's ancient Inca empire, told IPS.

  4. Protecting Environmental Water from Antimicrobial Resistance

    - Inter Press Service

    HAMILTON, Canada, Nov 23 (IPS) - The overuse and misuse of antimicrobial medicines and chemicals has become the main driver of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and drug-resistant infections that threaten human health and the global economy.

  5. 1 in 2 Humans Cannot Celebrate World Toilet Day - This Is Why

    - Inter Press Service

    Did you know that half of the world’s population do not have toilets? And that, globally, at least 2 billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with faeces? And that every day, over 700 children under five years old die from diarrhoea linked to unsafe water, sanitation and poor hygiene?

    This is the dramatic, hushed reality of 3.6 billion people who don’t have one that works properly.

  6. COP26: Climate Justice Begins with the Human Right to Water

    - Inter Press Service

    GLASGOW, Scotland, Nov 09 (IPS) - As the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is swiftly moving to its conclusion on Friday, climate justice could not be more urgent or timely.

  7. Optimizing Sustainable Groundwater Management Calls for a System Thinking Approach

    - Inter Press Service

    JOHANNESBURG, Nov 08 (IPS) - “The Systems thinking approach could innovatively contribute to a water-secure Southern African Development Community (SADC) region to mitigate the acerbating impacts of climate change”. This view is shared by Engineer James Sauramba, SADC-GMI Executive Director.

  8. Obtaining Water, a Daily Battle in Argentina's El Impenetrable Region

    - Inter Press Service

    GENERAL GÜEMES, Argentina, Nov 02 (IPS) - Next to the brick or adobe houses of El Impenetrable, a wild area of forest and grasslands in northern Argentina, loom huge plastic barrels where rainwater collected from the corrugated iron roofs of the houses is stored. However, the barrels are empty, because it has hardly rained for two years, local residents complain.

  9. Turning Carriers of Water into Managers of Water

    - Inter Press Service

    Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE, Oct 19 (IPS) - Each morning, Langelihle Tshuma checks her taps to confirm the water supply before preparing for the day ahead.

  10. Pandemic Highlights Urgent Need to Improve Sanitation in Brazil

    - Inter Press Service

    RÍO DE JANEIRO, Oct 08 (IPS) - Basic sanitation, a sector that is undervalued because, according to politicians, it does not bring in votes, has gained relevance in Brazil due to the pandemic that has hit the poor especially hard and the drought that threatens millions of people.

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