Effects of Over-Consumption and Increasing Populations
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The State of the World, 1999 Report1 from the Worldwatch Institute suggests that the global economy could be seriously affected2 by environmental problems, such as the lack of access to enough resources to meet growing population demands.
Environmental degradation can contribute to social and political instability, which can lead to security issues. This has not currently been addressed3 by the foreign policy of many nations.
(As a side note, it is interesting to note that there are books and insights popping up that predict future wars will be a new kind of war; resource wars. Yet, this is what it has typically been throughout history, but fortified with ideologies and religions. Ideologies and religions offer different ways to live, and hence different ways to use resources. See the trade and economics4 section for more on this aspect.)
As the effects of globalization are creating further disparities and inequalities, around the world we are seeing an increase in violence and human rights abuses as disputes about territories, food and water are spilling into wars and internal conflicts. People are fighting5 for basic needs.
The following are some of the areas of current and future tension. (Note how in the case of many of the regions mentioned below, wealthier nations have often been involved to extract and consume the resources leaving even less in the region for growing populations to contend with.)
- the various conflicts in Africa6. It is also feared that conflicts involving water will increase7.
- the Middle East8 where national interests in the vast oil fields have led to wars and influence from states like USA and UK.
- the 1998 riots in Indonesia fueled by the current global financial crisis.
- the Nile9 area, where Egypt rely on downstream water largely controlled by Ethiopia.
- Iraq, Syria and Turkey where there is tension surrounding the water flow of the Euphrates and Tigris10.
- Israel and Jordan, where Israel cut water supplies11 to Jordan due to sever drought
- Israel and Palestine also are fighting over water12 resources as well.
- The Chiapas13 region in Mexico
- Water scarcity in the Gaza14 region has contributed to the tensions in the Middle East.
- Environmental scarcity and social tensions in Pakistan15 have led to a worsening situation.
- Tensions in the Narmada16 region in India between indigenous people and the government.
- Environmental scarcity in Rwanda17 contributed to the ethnic conflicts in 1994.
- Degradation on the environment and an increase in population is fueling tension in South Africa18.
- In Equador, it is predicted that extreme violence19 is going to be seen at indigenous protests against giant oil corporations.
World Watch Institute also point out that water20 will once again be at the center of new conflicts. They point out that things like IMF and World Bank-backed privatization policies, flawed big dam projects etc have caused further tensions, protest and violence.
Many from those conflicts above, and other conflicts not listed, also see the underlying cause of overly corporate-led globalization as a root cause as well, as they and the foreign policies of the wealthier nations have allowed economic and resource-controlling policies to be instituted in their favor.
Also, while famine is often said to result from effects that are said to be caused by over-population, it is often overlooked on how the impact of politics and economics have a far more significant impact on famines than do "over" population and that those impacted would have a distinct class distinction.
It is often claimed that population increases lead to poverty and this is why the poor suffer, but as shown throughout this site, causes of poverty are not in population increases, but due to economic and geopolitical reasons.
For additional examples of how resource usage is so skewed and how this can lead to conflicts and wars see the consumption21 section on this web site.
0 articles on “Effects of Over-Consumption and Increasing Populations” and 3 related issues:
Human Population
Read “Human Population” to learn more.
Environmental Issues
Environmental issues are also a major global issue. Humans depend on a sustainable and healthy environment, and yet we have damaged the environment in numerous ways. This section introduces other issues including biodiversity, climate change, animal and nature conservation, population, genetically modified food, sustainable development, and more.
Read “Environmental Issues” to learn more.
Consumption and Consumerism
Read “Consumption and Consumerism” to learn more.
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