War on Terror FAQs
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The following articles listed below provide a number of frequently asked questions and answers on various aspects of the war on terrorism, of the context in which the terrorist attacks occurred on September 11, 2001, and so on.
0 articles on “War on Terror FAQs” and 1 related issue:
War on Terror
It was with disbelief and shock that people around the world saw footage of the terrorist attacks in the US on on September 11, 2001 when the planes-turned-missiles slammed into the World Trade Center towers and damaged the Pentagon.
This ultimately resulted in the US declaring and waging a war on terror
. Osama Bin Laden was eventually tracked down and killed some 10 years later. But the way the war on terror has been conducted has led to many voicing concerns about the impact on civil liberties, the cost of the additional security focused changes, the implications of the invasions and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and more.
Read “War on Terror” to learn more.
45 Q & As: Intervention, Afghan and Iraq
Read “45 Q & As: Intervention, Afghan and Iraq” to learn more.
September 11th and Terrorism FAQ
Read “September 11th and Terrorism FAQ” to learn more.
47 Questions and Answers on the War in Afghanistan
Read “47 Questions and Answers on the War in Afghanistan” to learn more.
Questions and Answers on September 11 And Its Aftermath
Read “Questions and Answers on September 11 And Its Aftermath” to learn more.
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