Arms Control Links for More Information
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For more information visit the following web sites:
- Center for Defense Information1, an independent military monitor based in Washington D.C. run by retired military generals, admirals, colonels etc who present a very open and objective critique of the military policies of USA and the world. They have a TV series called American Defense Monitor which presents information on the military's effect on the political system, the economy, the environment, and society as a whole. They also look into foreign policy, international affairs, armed intervention, and nuclear and conventional weapons. They have some extremely useful web material:
- Their issue areas2 have numerous relevant and detailed information. For example, within the nuclear-related issues, are many resources on:
- Many other transcripts on a variety of military issues5. For example, a transcript of a show called "Innovation In Arms Control: De-Alerting6" provides a lot of information.
- They also maintain a weekly archive7 of their newsletters that are very informative.
- Their Defense Monitors8 provide insight into some complex issues especially about American military policies.
- Back from the Brink9 campaign and petition highlights the fact that "it's time for the U.S. and Russia to 'de-alert,' taking nuclear weapons off their hair trigger."
- The Council for a livable World10 has a lot of information. For example:
- The Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers11 has many on-line resources and reports.
- "Pushing the Limits: The Decision on National Missile Defense12" by Stephen Young, is an example of such reports from the Coalition. It has in-depth information and critique about the current missile defense system proposals.
- The Briefing Book on Ballistic Missile Defense13 from the council's Education Fund has extensive information.
- The Ballistic Missile Defense14 section provides a lot of reports, research and analysis.
- The Arms Control Treaties15 section also provides a lot of details.
- the Federation of American Scientists provide a lot of reports and links from their web site. Examples include the following sections on their site:
- The Arms Control20 from the Union of Concerned Scientists also has details articles.
- The Arms Control Association21 is an organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies.
- The United Nations has many sections, including the following:
- The Union of Concerned Scientists has a section on Arms Control25 worth looking at.
- The Conflict Campaign26 from Oxfam27.
- The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research28 is a great site for in-depth views on many issues of today.
- Deterring Democracy29. An online book by Noam Chomsky.
- The Peace Pledge Union30 is a great web site with hundreds of statistics on wars and conflicts as well as covering many issues related to wars and arms trade.
- Norbert's Bookmarks web site has a lot of link to sources on:
- International Atomic Energy Agency33 (IAEA). This U.N. body serves as the global focal point for nuclear cooperation, developing safety standards, helping nations in nuclear energy policies if needed, and performing inspections to verify nations' compliance with the nuclea Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Its objective is to see the use of nuclear material and facilities only for peaceful purposes.
- CTBTO34 the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) (which will become known as the CTBT Organization if appropriate number of ratifications are achieved) is the official CTBT web site of the organization set up after various U.N. meetings to establishment a global verification regime to monitor compliance with the comprehensive ban on explosive nuclear testing.
- Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation35 provides a number of reports and articles.
- Economists Allied for Arms Reduction36 (ECAAR) provides economic analysis to questions of war, security, and peace. Their web site contains many articles and links to other sources.
- Los Alamos Study Group37, a non-profit, research-oriented, nuclear disarmament organization.
- Arms Control Association38 provides information, analysis and commentary on arms control proposals, negotiations and agreements, and related national security issues
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