Palestine/Israel Links to more information

Author and Page information

  • by Anup Shah
  • This page last updated

The issue is complex and there have been vast amounts written. To start off with then, many of the links below will primarily be towards current issues and conflicts, but many will also provide much more detailed history, analysis and perspectives. Some of these I may not agree with, but they are provided here anyway, for you to follow and compare.

  • ZNet's Mideast Watch. Here you will find many articles critical of US and Israeli policies. You will also find critique of Palestinian leaders and analysis of how the media frame the issues at hand. Many articles are from prominent critics, including many American Jews that are critical of US policies. Noam Chomsky is an example of such a prominent critic. A large number of links to other sites of interest are also provided. A good first stop at critique and analysis of current issues in the Middle East.
  • The Noam Chomsky Archive. Noam Chomsky is a prominent social critic and professor at MIT. He is critical of foreign policies of USA. His archive site has many articles and on line books, many of which cover issues of the Middle East, mostly from a U.S. foreign policy perspective.
  • The Edward Said Archive provides a list of articles written by the well-known Palestinian (and professor at Colombia University). He himself is a Christian Palestinian who was expelled in 1948. His works include many, including the popular and intense book, Orientalism.
  • Robert Fisk, a British journalist for many years has been in the Middle East. You can find a list of some of his articles at the Independent newspaper's web site. (Note that the link above will also show other articles not related to the Middle East.)
  • A couple of links from the Democracy Now! radio show's archives:
  • Middle East Realities has a lot of articles and news.
  • The Alternative Information Center is a web site full of information and articles created by Israelis and Palestinians together.
  • Continuing Storm: The U.S. Role in the Middle East from Foreign Policy in Focus provides an in-depth look at the US involvement in the Middle East. It is written by Stephen Zunes, a Jewish-American.
  • Palestine & Israel Special Report from
  • A Human Rights Watch report that provides an "investigation into unlawful use of force in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and northern Israel."
  • From Amnesty International:
  • Derechos, an internet based human rights organization focusing on Latin America but also many other parts of the world, has an Israel and the Occupied Territories Human Rights section that provides links to many reports from many sources.
  • MERIP, Middle East Research and Information Project provides information and analysis on the Middle East.
  • See the archives from the Democracy Now! radio show.
  • Israel and Palestine from the web site has a large collection of links to other web sites.
  • War in the Middle East from provides a number of articles and analysis, as well as on-going coverage.
  • Foundation for Middle East Peace provides many reports and articles.
  • B'Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories is an Israeli human rights organization.
  • The Institute for Policy Research and Development has a number of articles.
  • Middle East Reference includes a lot of reference information including chronologies and biographies.
The Media:
Some Official Sources:

Author and Page Information

  • by Anup Shah
  • Created:
  • Last updated:

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